Boring Day, Good Pain Day, Star Wars Day, 2020 Runners
Hello everyone, hopefully you are doing well today. My day has been alright, nothing real good about it, it was just ok. Did not do anything big today, I did make it to the gym today and had a good workout. My days have been so messed up lately, some days I have not woke up until 9 am, which is strange for me and then I have days where I wake up to use the restroom and decide I am just too tired and go back to bed. Usually I will lay there for about 10 minutes then I will go to sleep. If I do that I might sleep for about 2 hours or so and then my day feels messed up to me. Tomorrow I am going to get back on my normal schedule though, that should feel better. We had a hot day in mid Missouri today, I think the high was like 44. It was better but I wish the sun had come out, it did try to shine through the clouds a little before it went down though so I guess that counts. Tomorrow is supposed to be a little warmer, that is good. This last cold period we had was a little longer than we have had in the past few years and hopefully it does not get that cold again until next winter even though I am sure we are due for some more weather. Oh well, just stay inside and warm.
Pain today has been good, I have been able to combat it well with some oxy. I would say that my level today is a 7.5, so really good for me. Shoulders, wrists, hands and legs; same things for me as usual. Even though it has been warmer today out, my feet are still ice cold. They sometimes get like this even in the summer. I have now had quite a few good pain days in a row so I am sure something will happen soon to have a bad pain day, stay tuned.
Star Wars Day! I am probably in the minority on this one but I would have enjoyed a Star Wars Christmas special this last year. Hopefully it would be something much better than what came out almost 40 years ago, that was horrible. It revolved around a holiday of Life Day, which I originally thought was a Wookie holiday but I think it is celebrated galaxy wide but I am still not totally sure about that. It is very strange and confusing so if you have any more info on it then please send it my way. This is considered canon in the new Star Wars timeline and actually shows the first appereance of Boba Fett, a fan favorite character that is a bounty hunter. There has been talk of Boba Fett getting his own movie or at least a movie of bounty hunters and a movie was going to be made early on but the director, Josh Trank, backed out because of what happened with the latest Fantastic Four movie, mostly that movie was hot trash. Hopefully that can get that movie off the ground soon but I think Lucasfilm has a few other ideas coming out before that. We have the Solo: A Star Wars Story is coming to theaters in May and I think the next anthology movie will be about Obi Wan. It is an exciting time to be a Star Wars nerd.
There was news that came out recently that Oprah is thinking seriously about running for president in 2020. I am not really surprised about this since she thought about a run back in 2008 before President Obama got really big. Personally I am not a fan of her and I am probably not going to line up with her on her issues so I am not worried about that. Other celebrities are coming out now, Dwayne Johnson has said that he is also seriously thinking about running. Dwayne Johnson, also known as the Rock, who has had his hand in a lot of things lately is also a registered as a republican. But since most everyone in Hollywood is a far leftist, would he run as a conservative or a liberal? It will be interesting to find out in the coming years, it is only a few years away. But then again, people are declaring for the presidency earlier than they used to.
Well, that is all for me tonight. I hope all of you have a stupendous day or night, take care!
Pain today has been good, I have been able to combat it well with some oxy. I would say that my level today is a 7.5, so really good for me. Shoulders, wrists, hands and legs; same things for me as usual. Even though it has been warmer today out, my feet are still ice cold. They sometimes get like this even in the summer. I have now had quite a few good pain days in a row so I am sure something will happen soon to have a bad pain day, stay tuned.
Star Wars Day! I am probably in the minority on this one but I would have enjoyed a Star Wars Christmas special this last year. Hopefully it would be something much better than what came out almost 40 years ago, that was horrible. It revolved around a holiday of Life Day, which I originally thought was a Wookie holiday but I think it is celebrated galaxy wide but I am still not totally sure about that. It is very strange and confusing so if you have any more info on it then please send it my way. This is considered canon in the new Star Wars timeline and actually shows the first appereance of Boba Fett, a fan favorite character that is a bounty hunter. There has been talk of Boba Fett getting his own movie or at least a movie of bounty hunters and a movie was going to be made early on but the director, Josh Trank, backed out because of what happened with the latest Fantastic Four movie, mostly that movie was hot trash. Hopefully that can get that movie off the ground soon but I think Lucasfilm has a few other ideas coming out before that. We have the Solo: A Star Wars Story is coming to theaters in May and I think the next anthology movie will be about Obi Wan. It is an exciting time to be a Star Wars nerd.
There was news that came out recently that Oprah is thinking seriously about running for president in 2020. I am not really surprised about this since she thought about a run back in 2008 before President Obama got really big. Personally I am not a fan of her and I am probably not going to line up with her on her issues so I am not worried about that. Other celebrities are coming out now, Dwayne Johnson has said that he is also seriously thinking about running. Dwayne Johnson, also known as the Rock, who has had his hand in a lot of things lately is also a registered as a republican. But since most everyone in Hollywood is a far leftist, would he run as a conservative or a liberal? It will be interesting to find out in the coming years, it is only a few years away. But then again, people are declaring for the presidency earlier than they used to.
Well, that is all for me tonight. I hope all of you have a stupendous day or night, take care!
Have you told your doctors about your feet? I know you have had troulbe with your feet being cold along time.I'm glad to hear that you are getting a better night sleep,we can all use a good night sleep.Maybe because you are going to the gym is helping you sleep better,it would help me alot if I would work out,I sure need it. Just to lazy.