Short Post, Not Feeling Well

Hey there, I hope you all are doing better than me right now.  I want to write a lot more tonight but I am not going to be able to since I cannot keep my eyes open and am not feeling too well.  First off I want to say that yesterday evening I had a great appointment with my endo and her boss.  I will fill in the blanks tomorrow, I will write early in the day to rehash Friday and will have my regular post for Saturday.  One weird feeling I have right now that is making me feel weird is a cramping type pain in the lower left abdomen that burns when it hits.  It feels really weird, not sure what it is but I will not get looked at unless it lasts for 2-4 days.  Also, my legs are really hurting today and laying down in my bed helps with that so I will be going to bed early.  I will be back with more tomorrow.  I really hope all of you have a great night or day, take care1


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