High Pain Day, Solo Movie Stuff, Shutdown is Over, Flu Problems
Hello everyone, hope your day is well. I hope it is at least better than mine. The weather here turned really cool after about 11 am. It was really nice out around 8 am but then the clouds moved in and rain came with it, so it is damp and that is driving my pain crazy. I would say it is a fair bet that my pain is much worse than a 10 today. Plus every once in a while my right shoulder has this stinging, burning pain just show up and it goes away. Very weird. Anyway, I did go to the gym but I did not have a very good workout because of the pain. Kind of depends if I will go tomorrow. Otherwise things have been alright I guess. Let me get to it.
Star Wars Day! So a big rumor coming out of Disney is that the company has pretty much decided that Solo: A Star Wars story is going to bomb. I do not think that is quite far but it depends on what you constitute as a "bomb", at least movie wise. I would say that the Weekend at Bernies movies were bombs and I am not even sure how much those made but I am very sure that they did not make anywhere near Star Wars money. If you are basing the "bomb" on what you pull in money wise then I do not think you can call that a bomb since it is months from release. Lucasfilm has not even released a trailer for the movie yet, we have barely seen photos of what things are going to look like so how can the public, or Star Wars fans, think that. Since Disney bought Lucasfilm we pretty much knew that they were going to release one Star Wars movie a year, all of them cannot be that good. When Star Wars was under the control of George Lucas the movies would have at least a few years between each movie. Even though we have Solo coming up people are already speculating on what Episode IX will be about. It is fun to speculate but over-speculation not good for the brand and that will hurt any future Star Wars movies, just like it did to The Last Jedi. Which I thought The Last Jedi was a great movie, it was not the best, but it did a good job pushing the story forward and that should be what you want. Lucasfilm is not going to wave its hand and magically bring back the EU, only parts that fit into the current story, I believe that is why people were ultimately angry about The Last Jedi. So lets go into the Solo movie with open minds and see what happens, if it is a bad movie then let them have it, but if it does not conform to what you want then just silence your hatred.
So the shutdown is now ending, guess they finally came to some sort of agreement, I have not read fully what it is though so I will not talk much about it. Just wanted to say that it was over so people can stop worrying about it. Rejoice everyone!
The flu is pretty bad this season, I hope all of you are staying healthy. I have a reason why it might be worse but I will get to that later. The University of Maryland has released a paper about how this flu is spread, by just breathing. Apparently you can spread the flu by just breathing, talking or whenever you exhale out of your mouth. That is a big reason why I breath through my nose most all the time. So if you think you might have the flu, do not go to the doctor or go out much at all unless you are going to the hospital. Just try to be safe out there. Here is my thought for why the flu is that much worse this year, because more people have gotten the flu shot in recent years than in the past. What this does in turn is make the virus have to evolve, a virus will do whatever it has to, to continue itself, just the same about humans and other animals. We are also seeing an uptick in antibiotic resistant diseases or even the common cold. People are overusing antibiotics. Remember that if you have a virus then antibiotics cannot do anything for that. The best thing to do in that scenario is to get a lot of fluids and get plenty of rest. I really hope all of you stay safe this season.
Well, that is all for me tonight. I hope you all have a great day or night, take care!
Star Wars Day! So a big rumor coming out of Disney is that the company has pretty much decided that Solo: A Star Wars story is going to bomb. I do not think that is quite far but it depends on what you constitute as a "bomb", at least movie wise. I would say that the Weekend at Bernies movies were bombs and I am not even sure how much those made but I am very sure that they did not make anywhere near Star Wars money. If you are basing the "bomb" on what you pull in money wise then I do not think you can call that a bomb since it is months from release. Lucasfilm has not even released a trailer for the movie yet, we have barely seen photos of what things are going to look like so how can the public, or Star Wars fans, think that. Since Disney bought Lucasfilm we pretty much knew that they were going to release one Star Wars movie a year, all of them cannot be that good. When Star Wars was under the control of George Lucas the movies would have at least a few years between each movie. Even though we have Solo coming up people are already speculating on what Episode IX will be about. It is fun to speculate but over-speculation not good for the brand and that will hurt any future Star Wars movies, just like it did to The Last Jedi. Which I thought The Last Jedi was a great movie, it was not the best, but it did a good job pushing the story forward and that should be what you want. Lucasfilm is not going to wave its hand and magically bring back the EU, only parts that fit into the current story, I believe that is why people were ultimately angry about The Last Jedi. So lets go into the Solo movie with open minds and see what happens, if it is a bad movie then let them have it, but if it does not conform to what you want then just silence your hatred.
So the shutdown is now ending, guess they finally came to some sort of agreement, I have not read fully what it is though so I will not talk much about it. Just wanted to say that it was over so people can stop worrying about it. Rejoice everyone!
The flu is pretty bad this season, I hope all of you are staying healthy. I have a reason why it might be worse but I will get to that later. The University of Maryland has released a paper about how this flu is spread, by just breathing. Apparently you can spread the flu by just breathing, talking or whenever you exhale out of your mouth. That is a big reason why I breath through my nose most all the time. So if you think you might have the flu, do not go to the doctor or go out much at all unless you are going to the hospital. Just try to be safe out there. Here is my thought for why the flu is that much worse this year, because more people have gotten the flu shot in recent years than in the past. What this does in turn is make the virus have to evolve, a virus will do whatever it has to, to continue itself, just the same about humans and other animals. We are also seeing an uptick in antibiotic resistant diseases or even the common cold. People are overusing antibiotics. Remember that if you have a virus then antibiotics cannot do anything for that. The best thing to do in that scenario is to get a lot of fluids and get plenty of rest. I really hope all of you stay safe this season.
Well, that is all for me tonight. I hope you all have a great day or night, take care!