Alright Day, History Day, Auto Cars, Mob Mentality
Hey there everyone, I hope you all are well. First I want to say that I am making a change to this blog, just the name. Instead of Life in a Chair it will be Steven in a Chair, I am doing this so I can add a page on Facebook for my blog but I am having trouble right now. I will make that change after this post and if you have any questions then please feel free to message me. Now, onto my day. It has not been that bad, just wish the sun would come out here, so depressing. Been nasty and overcast all day but they say the clouds might clear out for tomorrow, it is supposed to be like a high of 46, so much better than what we have now. I did make it to the gym and had an alright workout, nothing great but it was okay. I would also like to mention that I am in a lot of pain today and a lot of it is located in my hands and fingers where I have been having trouble with something called trigger finger, basically where a thumb or finger gets locked in a position and I have to force it back. Very painful but I see my pain doc tomorrow so I hope he can help me out. So I also needed to go to Walmart and it is always kind of like bumper cars in there for me. I push very fast usually and most people are not real good at pushing carts, especially while talking on the phone. It really ticks me off when the person says "I didn't see you there". Just like with driving a vehicle, you have to pay attention. This world is going to go crazy with cars with no steering wheel, and that is what I will talk about soon, after history day.
So it is history day, I will find something to talk about. So I had seen an article that was written a few days ago by Becky Little and I noticed it in History Stories on the site for the History Channel. I will link the article at the end but it talks about The History of Papal apologies. It deals with the current view of the Catholic Church and the Pope to almost no longer apologies for things that happened in the past but mostly for current things that have happened. Now I think it is important to apologize for bad things that you have done unto other people or persons that are current, I just think that there were many more things that need to be apologize from their history. One thing that is not talked about much is what Pope Pius XII did during WWII. I think there is plenty for the Catholic Church to apologize for and it is not talked about much. If you want to learn more about his actions during WWII you should look it up and find out, too much for me here. So, here is that article;
So, driver-less cars, I have some thoughts about that. I, for one, do not think I can give up that much control and freedom. Some think it would be a utopia to only have cars with no steering wheel on the road because there would be far less accidents and everyone would go the speed limit but I just do not think it is such a good idea. When I was growing up and starting to drive, I learned that driving is not a right but a privilege to earn. So I took great care in driving, even though my parents probably had other thoughts. But this young generation, there I go sounding all old and stuff, is wanting to have these cars on the road but if they give up that control and freedom because they really do not want to learn anything about how cars work then I think that is a big part of the human experience that they are giving up. Plus, I think this will give way to much control to the government and I do not want the government to have even more control over my daily life. So everyone, be careful what you wish for.
I understand, better than a lot, that people in America have a right to a fair trial by jury but there is something about this that sometimes does not make sense to me, call me stupid but the parents that tortured their 13 children are being called to have "allegedly". They were caught red handed, there is not any allegations about this because one of the children escaped to call for help. From the reports I have seen the child was 17 but looked to be 10, so terrible. Now I do not think this is a case where the parents were already found guilty by the mob, as have happened to so many before a trial was over but are fully guilty. Those are my thoughts on the matter. I just hope those children get all the help they can get.
Well, that is all for tonight. I hope you all have a fabulous night or day, take care!
So it is history day, I will find something to talk about. So I had seen an article that was written a few days ago by Becky Little and I noticed it in History Stories on the site for the History Channel. I will link the article at the end but it talks about The History of Papal apologies. It deals with the current view of the Catholic Church and the Pope to almost no longer apologies for things that happened in the past but mostly for current things that have happened. Now I think it is important to apologize for bad things that you have done unto other people or persons that are current, I just think that there were many more things that need to be apologize from their history. One thing that is not talked about much is what Pope Pius XII did during WWII. I think there is plenty for the Catholic Church to apologize for and it is not talked about much. If you want to learn more about his actions during WWII you should look it up and find out, too much for me here. So, here is that article;
So, driver-less cars, I have some thoughts about that. I, for one, do not think I can give up that much control and freedom. Some think it would be a utopia to only have cars with no steering wheel on the road because there would be far less accidents and everyone would go the speed limit but I just do not think it is such a good idea. When I was growing up and starting to drive, I learned that driving is not a right but a privilege to earn. So I took great care in driving, even though my parents probably had other thoughts. But this young generation, there I go sounding all old and stuff, is wanting to have these cars on the road but if they give up that control and freedom because they really do not want to learn anything about how cars work then I think that is a big part of the human experience that they are giving up. Plus, I think this will give way to much control to the government and I do not want the government to have even more control over my daily life. So everyone, be careful what you wish for.
I understand, better than a lot, that people in America have a right to a fair trial by jury but there is something about this that sometimes does not make sense to me, call me stupid but the parents that tortured their 13 children are being called to have "allegedly". They were caught red handed, there is not any allegations about this because one of the children escaped to call for help. From the reports I have seen the child was 17 but looked to be 10, so terrible. Now I do not think this is a case where the parents were already found guilty by the mob, as have happened to so many before a trial was over but are fully guilty. Those are my thoughts on the matter. I just hope those children get all the help they can get.
Well, that is all for tonight. I hope you all have a fabulous night or day, take care!