Apartment Looking, Local Stuff, Apple Coming Home, Venom Update, Amazon HQ2

Hello everyone, hope it is going well today.  As some of you know I am being kicked out of my current apartment because of my roommate not paying his rent like he should have.  So I am looking for a new place to rent and have been looking online.  Today I have an appointment with a lady to look at an apartment at a place called Ash Street Place.  I have looked at a place there before I moved into my current spot.  Hopefully things go well, I will let you all know, it is at 2 pm, I have started writing this at 12 pm.  The meeting went well, the lady was nice but I am not sure it is what I am looking for.  I have the advantage that I do not have to vacate where I am at until March, so I still have a little bit.  I looked at a 1 bedroom apartment, there were a few problems like the doorway for the bedroom was a little bit of a tight fit and I would not be able to drive my wheelchair into the bathroom but she said that they could fix that and open the doorway up to the bathroom.  I do like the deck area, it is so much larger than what I have.  I did take an application but she would call me back to let me know if it was possible to make the bathroom doorway any bigger.  So I guess we will see what happens with that, I will not stop looking though.

Today is a local day so I will find something local to talk about.  One thing first that is close to my home happened in Macon.  They finally tore down the old Macon County Jail.  I wish they did not tear it down as I think it should have been deemed an historical site and given tours.  That would have been a way for Macon to make even more money off people.  One of the bigger things that have been weighing on peoples minds is the whole deal with Governor Eric Grietens.  I have been asked if I think that he should step down as Governor or not.  I say yes but it is because of what he ran on to win that office, family values.  Yes, he made a mistake that a lot of men have made in their lives but he put himself out there as such a big family man.  All I have to say is what I have said before, live up to what you say you are, words do not define anyone, lest of all you.

A big story that is not getting the coverage it deserves is the fact that Apple has pledged to bring $350 billion dollars back into the country and open up thousands of new jobs.  I will link the article from Tech Crunch at the end.  I am excited about that, it opens a lot of doors for people.  Not sure where they will do most of their hiring but it is a positive sign.  Also, that is a ton of money to be injecting back in the national economy.  I do not think that Apple will be the only major company doing something like this, just keep a look out.  http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/1KEkBT/:uToKliB@:SEyKxUGy/techcrunch.com/2018/01/17/crunch-report-apple-pledges-350-billion-investment-in-u-s-economy

There has now been a correction on a story I reported before.  Spider-man will not be showing up in Venom but Peter Parker will be.  As far as I know that is the scoop, of course it could change in the coming months.  I will report what I know when I know.

Some of you may know that Amazon is looking for a city to host its HQ2.  Kansas City and St. Louis were on the lists before but on the new shorter list of 20 they are gone.  I think it would have been great to have an Amazon headquarters not far from where I live, that might help create jobs even 2 hours away.  Guess it is not to be though, oh well.

Well, that is all I have for today.  I will be back tomorrow, I hope you all have a great night or day, take care!


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