Okay Day, History Day, SOTU Speech, Update, Kevin Feige

Hey there, I hope you all are doing great today.  My day has been okay, I guess, just not a great day.  I really did not get as much done today as I had hoped for.  But that is true for most days for me, there is always tomorrow.  I think it was Mark Twain that said this, "never do today what can be put off until tomorrow, don't do things tomorrow that can be put off indefinitely".  Mark Twain was famous for sayings like this even though he did so much in his lifetime, much more than many other people.  One thing that sucked for me today was that my legs just are not working great, I really noticed this when I went to the gym and was transferring to machines, my legs just did not feel strong for whatever reason.  Also, my bowels are not working right and I feel a little cramped, that is never fun to deal with.  I thought laying down for a nap after the gym might help a little bit but I was not able to get to sleep.  Because of everything going on it is hard to shut off my brain to get a little sleep, I even had Alexa play bubbling brook sounds, sometimes that helps.  It does at nighttime.  So anyway, I should get to the more important stuff.

It's History Day!  So what should I talk about today?  I looked onto This Day in History and today in 1933 Hitler was named as Chancellor of Germany, which in hindsight was not such a good idea.  Hitler was very progressive though on one thing though, he was very against the use of ciggarettes and banned or at least tried to get rid of smokers.  He probably did want to murder those people but that is besides the point.  For whatever reason he was against smokers and brought the "quit smoking" into vogue after WWII.  A lot of unpleasantness could have been avoided if a certain art school in Austria would have lowered their standards, which I hope they have since lowered the bar for new students, to prevent someone from going Hitler.  I promise next week I will have a much better history story.

So I totally forgot something that is happening right now, the State of the Union address.  It had totally skipped my mind but I really did not have a lot to talk about it.  I guess the women that have accused President Trump of sexual misconduct are going to be there but those women have been proven to have been paid to come forward.  Anymore and especially now it is more of a circus act than anything.  I do hope that he talks about the successes of the economy since he took office, that will be the first time a lot of people will hear about that.  I just hope it does not turn into people calling each other names or anything happens that does happen in some foreign countries parliaments or congress like fist fights or throwing things.

So, I am sorry that I did not get to a alternate history story to add to my blog this month but I promise I will get to it for next month.  I have finally picked a topic, which is something a little different, so it should not take a long time for me to get it together.  I try to focus on more obscure topics that have to do with history, which is obviously anything that has already happened. 

I have just read an article talking about Kevin Feige, the president of Marvel Studios under Disney, talking about the Fox-Disney merger.  He was very coy about saying anything concerning the characters that Marvel Studios might get soon but did talk about how he found out about the possible deal.  He said that he read it in the newspapers just like the rest of us.  I find this a little hard to believe since he is the head man at Marvel Studios but as he says, this is way above my pay grade, which it is.  If this deal is allowed to go through it will be the single biggest media deal at over $60 billion.  I cannot wait until things get finalized.

Well, that is all for me tonight.  I really hope all of you have a great day or night, take care! 


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