Alright Day, Changes, Local Day, Alternate Story, Walmart Closings, Disillusion Movies 2018
Hello everyone, I hope your Thursday is going well. Mine has not been bad, of course except for the weather which is not real nice right now. At least during the day the temp had been above freezing but that looks to change soon when the sun goes down. We have been get some rain off and on today and I am sure that will freeze soon, glad I had already went to the store and will be alright for a few days. I hate getting out and driving in the ice but like I had said before, it is fun in the wheelchair and can even go sideways. Oh well, I just hope people are safe out there if it does get bad. Now, I am going to be making a few changes, again, I am not going to write anything about my pain unless it is something new or weird going on. I think that is something I can take out and put more interesting stuff in. Also if there is anything else you want me to write about then let me know, I will look at everything, thanks. So, let me get on to this stuff.
It is a local day today so I will find something to talk about that is local to me. The University of Missouri closed down today at noon, it is crazy now that they seem to close any time there is a whiff of bad weather. Back when I was a student in 2011 we had what they seemed to call "Snowpocalypes" where we ended up getting 26 inches of snow in one day, the school closed down for 4 days. At that time it was the first time that the college closed down for at least 24 hours since the 1890's, I think it was like 1897 or so. But now they seem to close any time the weather person gives the region bad weather. I think they have gotten soft lately.
I am going to start working on an alternate history story to add on the blog. These will be quick stories about alternative situations in history. One thing that has had my brain working a lot on lately is ideas like, what if Africa was not colonized by Europeans and drew up its own borders or the same thing but with the Middle East, what if they had drew up their borders. That has always been an interesting concept to me, these places, Africa or Middle East, was determined by people that have not been there or really did not know much at all about the area. The Sykes-Picot agreement was the document that divided up parts of the Middle East without though of religious or ethnic peoples of the area. That is probably the biggest problem we have nowadays because the people that live there did not get to decide where their borders are or who are their neighbors. I wish some of those questions could be answered but they will not be, at least in my lifetime.
An article that I just ran across was a little surprising, Walmart is closing around 10 percent of its Sams Club stores. The article will be linked. Something they are doing to possibly counter this move is to raise starting pay for new workers and handing out bonuses, a bonus has not been handed out in awhile, according to a friend of mine that has worked with Walmart for a long time. Anyway, here is the article;
So, there is a Venom movie that is in production from Sony. I know a lot of comic book people are not excited for this but it is happening. I am not real excited for it, maybe as much as I am looking forward to a Gambit movie. Plus, Gambit just recently lost another director, that now makes three directors that have left the project. Another movie coming out in a few months is Solo: A Star Wars Story. That is another movie I am reluctant about but will watch, just like the others. Solo has gone through so many problems during production, fired the directors, brought in a new director, it has been leaked that the main actor cannot act very well and had an actor coach brought in. This movie will still make a lot of money because it has Star Wars in it. People are already saying that this will be a big disappointment for Disney, which I think it will be called that. Probably the worst performing Star Wars movie.
Well, that is all for me tonight. I really hope all of you have a great day or night, take care!
It is a local day today so I will find something to talk about that is local to me. The University of Missouri closed down today at noon, it is crazy now that they seem to close any time there is a whiff of bad weather. Back when I was a student in 2011 we had what they seemed to call "Snowpocalypes" where we ended up getting 26 inches of snow in one day, the school closed down for 4 days. At that time it was the first time that the college closed down for at least 24 hours since the 1890's, I think it was like 1897 or so. But now they seem to close any time the weather person gives the region bad weather. I think they have gotten soft lately.
I am going to start working on an alternate history story to add on the blog. These will be quick stories about alternative situations in history. One thing that has had my brain working a lot on lately is ideas like, what if Africa was not colonized by Europeans and drew up its own borders or the same thing but with the Middle East, what if they had drew up their borders. That has always been an interesting concept to me, these places, Africa or Middle East, was determined by people that have not been there or really did not know much at all about the area. The Sykes-Picot agreement was the document that divided up parts of the Middle East without though of religious or ethnic peoples of the area. That is probably the biggest problem we have nowadays because the people that live there did not get to decide where their borders are or who are their neighbors. I wish some of those questions could be answered but they will not be, at least in my lifetime.
An article that I just ran across was a little surprising, Walmart is closing around 10 percent of its Sams Club stores. The article will be linked. Something they are doing to possibly counter this move is to raise starting pay for new workers and handing out bonuses, a bonus has not been handed out in awhile, according to a friend of mine that has worked with Walmart for a long time. Anyway, here is the article;
So, there is a Venom movie that is in production from Sony. I know a lot of comic book people are not excited for this but it is happening. I am not real excited for it, maybe as much as I am looking forward to a Gambit movie. Plus, Gambit just recently lost another director, that now makes three directors that have left the project. Another movie coming out in a few months is Solo: A Star Wars Story. That is another movie I am reluctant about but will watch, just like the others. Solo has gone through so many problems during production, fired the directors, brought in a new director, it has been leaked that the main actor cannot act very well and had an actor coach brought in. This movie will still make a lot of money because it has Star Wars in it. People are already saying that this will be a big disappointment for Disney, which I think it will be called that. Probably the worst performing Star Wars movie.
Well, that is all for me tonight. I really hope all of you have a great day or night, take care!