Overcast Day, Local Threat, No to Gun Control, Unlucky Day
Hey everyone, I hope you are all having a fantastic day today. This weather just doesn't know what it is going to do, minute by minute it seems. Today was overcast but it did try to warm up some but the sun never came out to say hi. This morning I had to thaw out the van to get moving, the worst part being that I had to wait for my rear sliding door so I could put my chair in. One good thing is on the horizon, the weather is going to be above 40 for the next week, at least that is what they say now but they say a lot of things. But hopefully it gets better. But let me get into it.
So today is always is a local thing on the blog, so let me talk about something to do with Columbia Missouri. There has been quite a lot of buzz around this story of late so I thought I would put in my few cents. On Monday Night the police were called out to something happening and while the officers were sitting in their car a man approached and put his arm up and made a gun with his fingers and said "pow, pow, pow". This man is now being tried with fourth degree assault and resisting arrest, and I am going to say what I thought about that. In this day and age you cannot just make threats like that, especially towards a cop. From what I have heard this man that approached the car was drunk but that still does not give him the right to do that. I think the officers were in the right to catch him and charge him with making a threat, especially in the climate we are in now where people are making all kinds of threats against anyone in uniform. Police officers have a hard enough job that to have to deal with that kind of stuff. I support the police on this.
Ok, all this news about shootings and the left wanting to ban guns for everyone and I need to talk about this. A gun is a tool and can only fire when there is someone who knows how to use it, so this is not the guns fault. If that kid did not have an AR-15 then he would have just used a different gun or another tool to kill. Getting these tools is a relatively easy process, no matter what tool it is, so banning one tool does not make anyone safer. I would listen to any argument for gun control as long as you can guarantee that the criminals or bad guys do not have access to guns. There is no way for that to work because you will always have black markets out there, you can go onto the deep web to buy pretty much anything you wish, so there is no way to guarantee that bad guys do not get guns. I think that finishes up the gun control argument. Now, how to stop these shootings in schools. Only have one or two entrances but every door is an exit. Now get a veteran of the armed forces to work for you as there are plenty of them without jobs, they are trained in using a firearm and most will gladly take the job to protect our children. I think it is just that easy but I am sure nothing will be done to keep our kids safe, but please write you congressperson and demand veterans be given the job of protecting our schools.
Here is a little history for you, a lot of people have asked me where Friday 13th came from. It all happened on a fall day in 1307 when King Phillip IV of France had members from the Knights Templar arrested on a host of things, mostly this was because Phillip was deeply indebted to the Knights and had even sought refuge in a Templar temple. The king had the Templars tourtred and burned at the stake all so he could get ahold of there riches. The funny part was that King Phillip did not find all of the Templar treasures but he did find enough to get out of some other debts he had at the time. So that is why Friday 13th is considered unlucky. There are other myths about why this day is considered unlucky so I would suggest you study up on your favorite reason, here is a good article for you; http://mentalfloss.com/article/52696/why-friday-13th-considered-unlucky
Well, that is all for me tonight guys. I really hope that you all have a fantastic night or day, take care!
So today is always is a local thing on the blog, so let me talk about something to do with Columbia Missouri. There has been quite a lot of buzz around this story of late so I thought I would put in my few cents. On Monday Night the police were called out to something happening and while the officers were sitting in their car a man approached and put his arm up and made a gun with his fingers and said "pow, pow, pow". This man is now being tried with fourth degree assault and resisting arrest, and I am going to say what I thought about that. In this day and age you cannot just make threats like that, especially towards a cop. From what I have heard this man that approached the car was drunk but that still does not give him the right to do that. I think the officers were in the right to catch him and charge him with making a threat, especially in the climate we are in now where people are making all kinds of threats against anyone in uniform. Police officers have a hard enough job that to have to deal with that kind of stuff. I support the police on this.
Ok, all this news about shootings and the left wanting to ban guns for everyone and I need to talk about this. A gun is a tool and can only fire when there is someone who knows how to use it, so this is not the guns fault. If that kid did not have an AR-15 then he would have just used a different gun or another tool to kill. Getting these tools is a relatively easy process, no matter what tool it is, so banning one tool does not make anyone safer. I would listen to any argument for gun control as long as you can guarantee that the criminals or bad guys do not have access to guns. There is no way for that to work because you will always have black markets out there, you can go onto the deep web to buy pretty much anything you wish, so there is no way to guarantee that bad guys do not get guns. I think that finishes up the gun control argument. Now, how to stop these shootings in schools. Only have one or two entrances but every door is an exit. Now get a veteran of the armed forces to work for you as there are plenty of them without jobs, they are trained in using a firearm and most will gladly take the job to protect our children. I think it is just that easy but I am sure nothing will be done to keep our kids safe, but please write you congressperson and demand veterans be given the job of protecting our schools.
Here is a little history for you, a lot of people have asked me where Friday 13th came from. It all happened on a fall day in 1307 when King Phillip IV of France had members from the Knights Templar arrested on a host of things, mostly this was because Phillip was deeply indebted to the Knights and had even sought refuge in a Templar temple. The king had the Templars tourtred and burned at the stake all so he could get ahold of there riches. The funny part was that King Phillip did not find all of the Templar treasures but he did find enough to get out of some other debts he had at the time. So that is why Friday 13th is considered unlucky. There are other myths about why this day is considered unlucky so I would suggest you study up on your favorite reason, here is a good article for you; http://mentalfloss.com/article/52696/why-friday-13th-considered-unlucky
Well, that is all for me tonight guys. I really hope that you all have a fantastic night or day, take care!