Good, Boring Day, Real NK Leader, More Problems for Equifax, Cop Killer

Hello, hope you all are doing well.  Well my day was alright, had a good, long workout today but nothing else big happened.  Mostly focused on biceps today but of course did some other things as well, like I usually do.  I did get some info today about my 20th class reunion, it is set for September 28th but I still have not made up my mind about going.   I probably will, just thinking about different things right now.  Still looking for a good place to move to, kinda hard finding something that his handicap accessible that is in a good price range.  Starting to think this bubble is not going to burst for awhile here, oh well.  Until then it will just suck for people renting.  Anyway, time to get to it.

Today is generally a mix day so I will just find something to talk about.  I tried to click on an article I wanted to read more about from Google News but was booted from there by The New York Times, they wanted me to pay money to read the article, so stupid.  Anyway, I will talk about what I know of this situation.  As some know Mike Pence, the Vice President, is our representative to the winter Olympics.  Of course Kim Jong Un, the fat little leader of North Korea did not show up but sent his sister in his stead.  He decided not to shake her hand, I would not of shaken her hand either.  Plus I am surprised that she was even out in public since it has been rumored that she is the real power behind her idiot brother.  Now that she has been in the public eye, hopefully they can dig up more stuff on her, I am sure there are people everywhere that would love to find out more about the real power of North Korea.  I am not a fan of Mike Pence but good for him for not shaking her hand.

It seems if the Equifax breach was a little larger than first reported by Equifax.  In September we learned that 145.5 million people were hacked through Equifax but now it looks like more was hacked than first reported.  It seems that Equifax has tried to cover-up what happened and should be held accountable for this.  Also, I think the customers that were hacked should be told so that way they can search for any other hacks that may have happened by the same group.  It will say a lot about members of Congress depending on what they do with this information, but I do not hold out much hope that Congress will do anything to help the American people, there is still a little bit of hope.

The last thing I would like to talk about tonight is something that may be a little off-putting to some people but I thought it was a good story to talk about.  In California there was a man that was convicted recently in killing two sheriffs deputies.  Because I do not want to celebrate this idiot I will not say his name.  He had smiled while in court and said that he will kill more cops soon.  Also, he is here illegally and something should have been done with him sooner but California thinks that it is ok for people to come over the border.  And since this is California, I am sure there are some people in government service that think this guy got the shaft for what happened, that he was a victim of his surroundings or something like that, liberals seem to like criminals probably because they have so much in common with them.  Here is the article for you to decide how you feel;

That is all for me tonight.  I really hope all of you have a wonderful day or night, take care!


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