Good Day, Train Wreck, Ok Predators, Nazi Hiding

Hey there everyone, sorry about taking last night off, just needed a night to myself yesterday.  But I am back today and will talk about more stuff.  I am writing this post a little early at 10:30 and release it to the internets and then I will write another one later after I have watched the Super Bowl.  So my day yesterday started out alright and then I went to the gym, it is crazy how dead it is at the gym right now.  Guess a lot of people gave up on their new years resolutions already.  Then again I guess people might be sick or just do not want to be around people that might get them sick.  I hate going to the store and the person behind you starts coughing really bad and sneezing, if you are sick you should not go out and get other people sick, its a little thing called courtesy but I guess most people do not practice that anymore.  After the gym I went home and got something to eat and tried to take a nap but was not able to sleep.  After getting up I noticed this huge pain in my right pec in the upper left area.  It was bone and definitely muscle pain, just not sure what it is from because I did not do any chest workouts there.  I still have it a little bit this morning and it mostly only hurts when I take a deep breath or try reaching for something.  Maybe I am just getting old.  Then I went to dinner with a friend and had a good time.  I actually got some good sleep last night and stayed up a little later without really trying to.  So, onto the important stuff.

I imagine that it is not because there are less of them occuring but more the mainstream media just started talking about them more but there seems to be a lot of train crashes lately.  I do not want to get all conspiracy theorist on you so I will try to hold that stuff back.  I think they should bring back traveling by train, it would save a huge amount of money than some of the other modes of transportation and it would open up a large amount of jobs.  I know that democrats do not like this because they think riding trains is the way of the past and they say they only look forward.  I think it has more to do with all politicians wanting more money from the oil companies.  See, I told you it could get that way quick.  One of the newer modes of transport is the hyper-loop and there has been a proposed hyper-loop section to be built from St. Louis to Kansas City in Missouri, basically following I-70.  Being that I live in Columbia, which is right between those two major cities, I think this is a marvelous idea and will bring about a good number of jobs.  Democrats do complain that jobs, like what would be created to build a hyper-loop, would not be permanent jobs but I argue that these jobs might not be permanent but they could lead to more permanent employment through their hard work.  That should not be a reason to not do something, this will help out a lot of people and should be done.  If there is any news on this project soon I will keep you all informed.

I just ran across a story where Oklahoma is considering chemical castration as an agreement of release to sexual predators.  This would mostly be for the violent kind and the ones that just will not stop being so bad.  It is a drug, I do not know anything about the drug, that lowers a persons libido and testosterone levels so hopefully they never do this again if released from prison.  Prison already has a way of dealing with these types of people, they are usually beaten to death from other inmates for messing with children, which in prison is something you do not do, a code if you will.  There are plenty of other states that have this in their rule books but hardly ever use it and I think it is a step in the right direction but it is not the end all to stop this kind of behavior.  I wish Missouri would look into using this type of deterrent.  Here is that article;

So, something I have not talked about much of for awhile, conspiracy theories.  Did the Nazi hierarchy escape to South America after their defeat in WWII?  We do know that some higher up Nazis did make it to places like Argentina or Brazil.  Adolph Eichmann was picked up by the Mossad, the CIA of Israel, so it is known that some did make it.  But did Hitler fake his death and live out the rest of his life somewhere in South America?  The Russians were the first into the bunker that Hitler used towards the end of the war and have been tight lipped ever since about the body that was found there, if it was Hitler or someone else.  There was no real way to make a positive ID though since we were not able to use DNA yet to identify people so it could have just been one of his stand ins and he escaped.  I think it is very possible that he could have escaped there along with other high ranking Nazis.  There is a program on the not History channel if you want to check it out, it is not too bad. 

Something I had forgot about, my new thing, word of the day.  It is an easy one for last night, Freedom.  Just really like that word.

Well, that is all for this post, I will post another after I get back home.  I hope you have a great day or night, take care!


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