Alright Day, Homeless Scammers, Prison Talk, Peevish
Hello all, I hope your days are bright and good. So anyway, my day has been alright, I went to the gym and had another tough workout. Probably tough enough for me to skip tomorrow, although I do have some things to do tomorrow at the usual time I go workout. Plus my legs are still not working like they should or have over the last so many years since getting in the chair. Transferring can be painful but I can make it, I keep telling myself that I have been through a lot worse before. I noticed it a lot when trying to transfer to a machine at the gym and a few I was not able to actually get on. Well last night I did try to go to sleep early but was not able to actually fall asleep until 11:37 pm but I did not wake up until after 8 am. But last night I did not have my usual Zzzzquil and I do have some for tonight so hopefully I will go to sleep around the right time and wake up a little earlier since I get my benefit tomorrow so that means it is bill time. But anyway, let me get to it.
Here is something that is a little touchy with some people but it does need talked about and this is a good topic for my local stuff. The topic is; Homeless Scammers. I am a person that does not give money to a guy standing on the corner holding a sign but I will offer them food. Most every time I offer food though the person will just throw it away because they really are not homeless and that makes it hard for people that really are in that situation. There was a recent article talking about this subject and I have seen things on the local news. This has gotten to such a problem as of late that something really needs to be done about it. I have seen people that were standing at the corner get into a newer car and drive off, probably to their house. These people are extremely low and I equate them with politicians, just because I really do not like politicians. I did not know this until recently but you have to have a permit to panhandle in Columbia, which I am sure that it is like that in other places. I am not sure what the permit costs or if it even does cost but some punishment should come down on the people faking it, I can think of some fun ones for those horrible people but I am sure it is not "politically correct". Well, here is that article;
Something I have been thinking about a lot lately is the prison system in this great country. I remember reading an article a few years ago that stated that each prisoner cost taxpayers around $70,000. Of course this was for state run prisons. I do not know how or when we got to this point, most people I know do not make that in a year. It would take me almost 4 years to amass that amount while on disability. So why do the worst of the worst get more, not like they are given that amount every year but that is what it costs to house, feed and "rehabilitate" them. Our prison system is broken in this country and needs to be fixed. Now I do not have the answer but one thing is leaving people on death row for so long is a mistake. A more humane way would be to use a guillotine over chemical injections. I also hate this talk about the injections being a harsh way to go. Say that person killed a family of 4, he did not give them a choice of living or dying so why should the American people care. I think we should use more technology to prove someone is guilty or innocent, we have come a long way with DNA tech and can use this to determine someones guilt or innocence. We really need a better way than rehibilatation because that does not seem to be working. When someone goes to prison for something like armed robbery then they just end up doing that same thing again and we stupidly send them back to prison. It is even worse for more serious crimes such as murder or rape. I have heard stories about a convicted killer getting out on parole only to go right back to killing again. A person like that is basically a lost cause, I am not trying to be heartless but something else needs to be done with them than just throwing them in prison. That is something that we as a country should have a serious discussion about, lowering the cost to keep those prisoners locked up and a better way to "rehabilitate". Like I said, I do not have all the answers on this one but let's open up and talk about it without having to break down and start screaming at each other. If you think you might have a good fix for this, then please leave a comment, I will get to them all. Also, here is an article I had found concerning this topic, here it is;
Word of the day, I really need to come up with a better name for that, is Peevish. Try to use that in a conversation somewhere, it is always fun to see the look of confusion on peoples faces. Peevish means easily irritated, especially of unimportant things. So try to figure out a way to sneak that into a sentence and see what happens.
Well, that is all for me tonight. I really hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!
Here is something that is a little touchy with some people but it does need talked about and this is a good topic for my local stuff. The topic is; Homeless Scammers. I am a person that does not give money to a guy standing on the corner holding a sign but I will offer them food. Most every time I offer food though the person will just throw it away because they really are not homeless and that makes it hard for people that really are in that situation. There was a recent article talking about this subject and I have seen things on the local news. This has gotten to such a problem as of late that something really needs to be done about it. I have seen people that were standing at the corner get into a newer car and drive off, probably to their house. These people are extremely low and I equate them with politicians, just because I really do not like politicians. I did not know this until recently but you have to have a permit to panhandle in Columbia, which I am sure that it is like that in other places. I am not sure what the permit costs or if it even does cost but some punishment should come down on the people faking it, I can think of some fun ones for those horrible people but I am sure it is not "politically correct". Well, here is that article;
Something I have been thinking about a lot lately is the prison system in this great country. I remember reading an article a few years ago that stated that each prisoner cost taxpayers around $70,000. Of course this was for state run prisons. I do not know how or when we got to this point, most people I know do not make that in a year. It would take me almost 4 years to amass that amount while on disability. So why do the worst of the worst get more, not like they are given that amount every year but that is what it costs to house, feed and "rehabilitate" them. Our prison system is broken in this country and needs to be fixed. Now I do not have the answer but one thing is leaving people on death row for so long is a mistake. A more humane way would be to use a guillotine over chemical injections. I also hate this talk about the injections being a harsh way to go. Say that person killed a family of 4, he did not give them a choice of living or dying so why should the American people care. I think we should use more technology to prove someone is guilty or innocent, we have come a long way with DNA tech and can use this to determine someones guilt or innocence. We really need a better way than rehibilatation because that does not seem to be working. When someone goes to prison for something like armed robbery then they just end up doing that same thing again and we stupidly send them back to prison. It is even worse for more serious crimes such as murder or rape. I have heard stories about a convicted killer getting out on parole only to go right back to killing again. A person like that is basically a lost cause, I am not trying to be heartless but something else needs to be done with them than just throwing them in prison. That is something that we as a country should have a serious discussion about, lowering the cost to keep those prisoners locked up and a better way to "rehabilitate". Like I said, I do not have all the answers on this one but let's open up and talk about it without having to break down and start screaming at each other. If you think you might have a good fix for this, then please leave a comment, I will get to them all. Also, here is an article I had found concerning this topic, here it is;
Word of the day, I really need to come up with a better name for that, is Peevish. Try to use that in a conversation somewhere, it is always fun to see the look of confusion on peoples faces. Peevish means easily irritated, especially of unimportant things. So try to figure out a way to sneak that into a sentence and see what happens.
Well, that is all for me tonight. I really hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!