Another Good Day, History Day, Misleading Pot Article

Hello there, hope things are going well.  My day has been a good, I did make it to the gym today but did not workout for too long since I had a pain in the outside of my left bicep.  Just have not figured out how to really build that area.  I try hammer curls and other things but nothing seems to help.  Oh well, guess I will keep trying.  Also watched my Godson for a little bit, he will be three towards the end of the month.  Definitely keeps me busy.  I also did quite a lot of cleaning today before he came over, so I am pretty beat for the day.  Hopefully I will sleep good tonight.  So let me get on to it.

It is History Day!  I thought it would be appropriate to write about Valentines Day today.  So I will tell you the real story of the holiday.  Like most Roman Catholic holidays, this one was taken from the Roman holiday called Lupercalia which celebrated fertility.  The saint that is honored on this day by the Roman Catholic church refers to more than one Valentine, since Valentine or any spelling like this was very popular since in Latin it stands for worthy or strong.  The Valentines Day mythos really started with Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th century, he wrote the Canterbury Tales.  He is the person who is credited with the creation of the idea of courtly love and February 14 was chosen to be the day to celebrate ones love.  There is a lot to learn while researching this, I would suggest you go forth and look at some pages on the interwebs.  For me, it is Happy Singles Appreciation Day!

I just got done reading an article titled "Smoking pot is easier on the brain than drinking alcohol", this is a little misleading.  The article does have a link over to the study that was conducted and it did show that drinking alcohol affects the gray and white matter of the brain but it did not have any conclusive facts about smoking pot.  That is why I say this is a little misleading but I want you to read it for yourself as I will link it at the end.  I think alcohol is worse on your brain than pot but some people tend to just go overboard, things are good in moderation.  Not everything, meth is bad no matter what, but most things are good in moderation.  So, read this and form your own opinions;  If you click on Addiction, it will take you to the study.

Well, that is all for me tonight, I am pretty tired.  I hope all of you have a great day or night, take care!


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