Wore Out, Local Stuff, Illuminati Talk
Hey there, hope things are great for you! My day was pretty good, I only did a few Uber drives and had one appointment and felt really wore down. I think it is just stress getting to me, about finding a new place to live. I really liked the place I looked at the other day called Boone Point Apartments, it is a place just for people with disabilities. It was a really nice place, I am on the list there, hopefully it does not take long for me to come off. I really did not do much else today besides looking for a new place to live. Oh well, I'm going to get into it.
So it is local day, I have a few things to talk about. The first is the walkout of students yesterday at schools across America. I have no problem with them walking out but it is good to hear that some students held up signs or protested in different ways by saying that this wasn't a gun problem but a people problem. No matter what you think about gun control, which I am very against, it takes a person to pull the trigger and unfortunately there are some people that will use guns for very wrong reasons but the vast majority will use them as they are supposed to be used. I did hear that one kid at a school here in Columbia held up a sign saying what I said before, the sign said, "it is not a gun problem, it is a people problem". Very proud of that young person. The second thing I want to talk about that is local was something that happened with the internet and cable. Mediacom, which is not a very good company to get you services through, had a state wide outage yesterday. I called about it around 4:15 and talked to a lady, told her in some nice words that I was not happy with the service, she said it was statewide and I then said "bull#&it. It was back on within 5 minutes, every time I call to complain it gets fixed just a few minutes later. Terrible company.
One big conspiracy theory about the group that is controlling everything is the Illuminati. If you would like to know the real history about this group, I will go into that now. The group was started by Johan Adam Weishaupt in 1776, something else big happened that year halfway across the world in the former British colonies of America. News didn't travel as fast back then so they did not know, or did they? Anyway, some of the initiations for this new group were taken from Freemasonry. The Illuminati started out in a region of Bavaria and was outlawed pretty quickly by the local government and the Roman Catholic Church. There are some historians who posited that the group broke up by the mid 1780's but not me, I believe that they persisted and influenced other groups or even infiltrated them outright. Here is a video that talks in depth about the man that started the group; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBs8rilRf8Q
Well, that is it for me tonight, I'm pretty tired. I hope you all have a great day or night, take care!
So it is local day, I have a few things to talk about. The first is the walkout of students yesterday at schools across America. I have no problem with them walking out but it is good to hear that some students held up signs or protested in different ways by saying that this wasn't a gun problem but a people problem. No matter what you think about gun control, which I am very against, it takes a person to pull the trigger and unfortunately there are some people that will use guns for very wrong reasons but the vast majority will use them as they are supposed to be used. I did hear that one kid at a school here in Columbia held up a sign saying what I said before, the sign said, "it is not a gun problem, it is a people problem". Very proud of that young person. The second thing I want to talk about that is local was something that happened with the internet and cable. Mediacom, which is not a very good company to get you services through, had a state wide outage yesterday. I called about it around 4:15 and talked to a lady, told her in some nice words that I was not happy with the service, she said it was statewide and I then said "bull#&it. It was back on within 5 minutes, every time I call to complain it gets fixed just a few minutes later. Terrible company.
One big conspiracy theory about the group that is controlling everything is the Illuminati. If you would like to know the real history about this group, I will go into that now. The group was started by Johan Adam Weishaupt in 1776, something else big happened that year halfway across the world in the former British colonies of America. News didn't travel as fast back then so they did not know, or did they? Anyway, some of the initiations for this new group were taken from Freemasonry. The Illuminati started out in a region of Bavaria and was outlawed pretty quickly by the local government and the Roman Catholic Church. There are some historians who posited that the group broke up by the mid 1780's but not me, I believe that they persisted and influenced other groups or even infiltrated them outright. Here is a video that talks in depth about the man that started the group; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBs8rilRf8Q
Well, that is it for me tonight, I'm pretty tired. I hope you all have a great day or night, take care!