Okay Day, Star Wars Rebels Stuff, Pizza Surprise, A Man in D.C. With a Backbone

Hello everybody, I hope you are doing great!  My day has not been too bad, I was able to stand up a little better today, at least early in the day I was able to lock my legs so it was easier to stand up to transfer in the van.  I noticed this when I first woke up and used the restroom so I was pretty hyped about that.  Otherwise I really did not do much today, I did skip the gym, just didn't feel like going, there is always tomorrow.  Before I start I would like to talk about a change that is coming soon.  I have decided Fridays I will focus on conspiracy theories instead of just a mix of what I found during the week.  Well then, I won't waste anymore time, let me get into it.

Star Wars Day!  So big news for Star Wars has to deal with the animated show called Rebels.  I watch that show and love it, mostly.  There are just somethings I do not agree with but that is fine, I am not a writer for the show.  I don't want to spoil any of the big plot points for anyone but we all knew that the Emperor was showing up because he was in the mid-season trailer.  I thought his appearance so far has not been great and can be done better.  Guess we will quickly see how it ends because there are only two more episodes left and they air tonight.  I usually do not watch it live so I won't be checking it out tonight but will tomorrow.  I hope it is a good series finale because I do like the cast of characters but we all knew that because of the timeline this was the area it would have to stop.  Now I cannot wait to find out what will be next for Lucasfilm, I have heard rumblings of another animated show but also a live action one for the new Disney streaming service, so it might be a little bit before we find anything out.  Gonna be fun speculation though.

A funny story I found recently, of a youngster tasting pizza for the first time.  She had a usual expression about pizza, some people I know still will do this when they eat it even if it has only been a few days since they had a slice.  Here is the article, enjoy; https://www.popsugar.com/moms/Picture-Toddler-Who-Tried-Pizza-First-Time-44638364

I feel I need to talk about this and then I will include the article for you to make your own mind up about it.  Basically what happened is former Trump campaign adviser, Sam Nunberg, has stood up to the special counsel, Robert Mueller, and said he will not cooperate with the counsel on the Russian collusion case.  Nunberg says that the Trump campaign did not collude with the Russians about anything but doesn't want to just bow down when the counsel comes around.  I, for one, think that Nunberg is right and shouldn't just roll over and show his belly.  I always thought that was a strange group of words.  Anyway, here is the article so make your own decision; https://www.politico.com/story/2018/03/05/sam-nunberg-russia-probe-subpoena-437108

Well, that is all for me tonight.  I hope you all have a fantastic night or day, take care!


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