Ok Day, New Avengers Trailer, Problems With Congress

Hey everyone, hope this reaches you in good spirits.  My day was just ok, kind of a depressing day, very overcast.  Very tiring but I was not able to get a nap in, like usual.  I did have a decent workout, but my shoulder is still hurting when I do certain things.  Oh well, things will get better.  Let me go on and get to it.

So the new Avengers: Infinity War trailer dropped today and boy was it huge!  I hope you all check it out, I will add it at the end.  I will not spoil any of it but I do have to talk about one new scene we see, Tony Stark and Star Lord are talking, it just made me geek out a lot, those two are great at quipping so I think this will be a real fun scene in the movie.  Also, tickets went on sale today and I of course got mine first at the theater I am going to.  So I will be watching it at 7:00 pm on April 26th.  I will write a review of the movie even though that will not be my only viewing.  Here is the new trailer, https://www.theverge.com/2018/3/16/17127122/avengers-infinity-war-trailer-marvel-thanos-superheroes-disney-iron-man

It is always sad to see someone pass away but there is something I would like to bring up concerning this one.  Term limits for our legislatures.  The person who I had mentioned that passed away recently was Representative Louise Slaughter, who was the oldest member in Congress at 88, had been in Congress since 1988.  That last part is what I have a problem with.  I think people should have a problem with this because if you ever expect any change then you should stop electing the same people into office that do nothing at all and get a big salary for it, which is another issue I have.  I think Congress-people make too much at $174,500 a year, last I had looked and they get a pension if they retire or leave Congress, that is totally wrong.  I remember a quote from someone from a long time ago that goes something like this, "When Congress learns that they can take from the coffers of the American people, this Republic is doomed", still cannot remember who said that.  Actually, I found the quote that I was thinking of, here it is, "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, it will herald the end of the Republic", that was by Benjamin Franklin.  It is very true, Congress voted in 1833 to give them a pension for doing something that they should not be doing for very long and not be paid that much for a service to their country.  Remember this next time you go to vote.  Here is an article about the lady that passed away, https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/louise-slaughter-oldest-member-of-congress-dies-at-88/2018/03/16/c2f7a458-2926-11e8-874b-d517e912f125_story.html

Well, that is all for me tonight.  I hope you all have a great night or day, take care!


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