Alright Day, Foot Stuck in Mouth Syndrome, Pathetic Roy Moore, Good Marvel News

Hey there everyone, hope all is great.  I have had a decent day, I mostly cleaned today.  I did a load of laundry, took everything off the countertops in the kitchen to clean them up, ran the vaccum and took the door off the oven to clean.  I am pretty wore out from that, plus my back hurts because I fell earlier when getting into the van at the card show.  I went on and signed up for a table at the next card show on May 19th, I did not set up for this one since my inventory just was not enough for me to justify setting up but I think my inventory will be good enough by that time.  But I went out mostly to talk to a few people out there.  I was planning on getting some writing done but just didn't get any done today, oh well, there is always tomorrow.  One of my favorite sayings of Mark Twain is, "never do something today that can be put off until tomorrow, never do anything tomorrow that can be put off indefinitely."   Twain was a little lazy, some would say but I would say he was very strategic.  One way to put it I guess.  So, onto the good stuff.

President Trump is putting is foot in his mouth, again, with a comment about what the leader of the communist party of China did recently.  Their leader, Xi Jinping, consolidated power and basically becoming President of China for life.  How President Trump stuck his foot in his mouth was by saying he wouldn't mind trying that out sometime.  To some people it will seem like he is suggesting that America would be better off run by a dictator that does not need to worry about re-election and a few others will see it as "Trump being Trump."  For some time President Trump has been talking about the American election system is rigged, even though he won with this current election system.  Well, no matter what, I think he should tone down the dictator talk.

Now this is a sad individual, do you remember Roy Moore, that guy that ran for Senate down in Alabama.  Well, his name is in the news again and he is asking supporters to pay for his legal bills incurred during his election that he lost.  It is sad seeing someone beg for money and even more pathetic when it is a rich old windbag that should have went away a long time ago.  I hope that he does not get a copper penny from anyone that is a supporter of his.  From what I have seen, he is not liked a whole lot in Alabama, mostly because the people are smart and have moved on from him.  Please Roy Moore, just go home to your huge house, leave the good people of Alabama alone.

Great Marvel news!  Avengers: Infinity War has now been moved up a week so it will be coming out on April 27th!  That is exciting news for all fans of Marvel and I hope you can still go see it a week before it was scheduled to come out.  I would like to think that the idea to bring the movie out a week early in the United States was just for fans but I think it has much more to do with money.  See, Disney has three big movies coming out in the month of May, Infinity War, Deadpool 2 and Solo.  By letting Infinity War come out one week early in the US, this gives it more time in the theater by itself before Deadpool comes out.  That extra week could mean around $100 million or so for Disney because remember, Disney still does not have the rights to Fox or Deadpool yet so this is a smart business decision.  I am sure I will see it a few times at the theater so this is big news. 

That is all for me tonight, I am really tired, didn't get to sleep last night till about 1 am and didn't wake up till almost 10 am so I am hopefully going to get a regular nights sleep.  I really hope you all have a great day or night, take care!


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