Not Much, Long Wars, Promotion, Rebels is Gone, Financial Chief is Gone Too

Hello there, hope you all are doing good!  So my day, it has been pretty boring today, I was hurting quite a bit.  The wind was horrible here today, I was driving to the store earlier and it tried to blow my van over.  I made it to the store and back safe but that wind today was really bad.  So, basically my day was really boring so let me get into it.

It is History Day!  So not too long ago I talked on here about the shortest war in history between the British and the nation of Zanzibar.  Now I would like to talk about the longest ongoing war in current history.  I will be excluding civil wars from this list though.  One of the longest wars fought between two nations is the Korean conflict at over 72 years, as this started just after WWII.  It looks like this might be resolved soon because the North and South just met in some historic talks.  Then there are the Indo-Pakistani Wars that have dragged on since 1947 when India and Pakistan were given their freedom from the British.  The next one will include quite a few wars into one, it is the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.  There is a whole lot of blame to go around and I do not want to touch this but I will say that a part of this conflict that is not talked about as much is the fight for water.  That is a huge issue in the middle of the dessert.  Those were some of the conflicts that are still going on to this day.  Now about that longest war, it was a war between the Dutch and the Scilly Isles just off the British coast.  The war last for 335 years but it may not have been an actual war because nobody can remember what started this struggle.  It had ended in 1986 when a historian found the myth of the war still being on and he contacted the right people and that war is all over.  Glad it was a historian that figured this out before anything else happened. 

First off, I am not getting money for saying this but I really enjoy the Perfect Size for 1 from Duncan Hines.  I really like the corn muffin variety, tastes just like it was cornbread made in the oven.  Other types I like is the brownie and cinnamon cake types.  Try it out, hope you like it.

So Star Wars Rebels is over, I am a little sad but hopeful for the future of Star Wars stories.  The ending was great, I will not ruin it for anyone but if you want to talk with me about it then just leave a comment.  The surprise return at the end will bring certain things together.  Go watch it and enjoy it.

Guess there is more trouble for President Trump, today his economic adviser just stepped down citing differences in trade policy.  Gary Cohn said that he could not support President Trump while he was being a protectionist.  Cohn was a big leader on the tax bill that was passed last year and gave a tax break to over 75% of the American people.  Hopefully President Trump can find a good replacement soon.  Don't want the country to be led by nobody.  I am available.

Well guys, that is it for me, didn't sleep well last night.  I hope you all have a great day or night, take care!


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