Overcast Day, Spending a Lot, Exhibitionist Showing, No More Easy Love
Hey there, I hope you all are well. My day has been alright, I did go to the gym and I was only going to do cardio, there are two machines there that I can use; one is a cyclometer and the other is a recumbent bike that has big placements for your feet and levers to make it move your legs. I was not able to do that though because a couple took up them both for the hour that I was there. So I mostly did some arm stuff, nothing to bother my left shoulder though. It is still hurting but right now it does not feel as if the muscle is being torn from the bone like it had for awhile. I only did a few Uber rides today, they were short, I just did not feel like being out much today. It has been very dreary here, no sun and a little bit of rain, makes for a depressing day. Well, I will get onto it.
One thing I would like to talk a little about is this new budget that was passed into law. I do not know all the details of the budget, I am sure that no one person knows the full budget like they should, especially not any people in Congress. The reason behind this is because the new budget is over 2,200 pages long. Nobody can read that and have a full grasp on it, I do not care how long you try to take with this. Understanding it is the big problem, you would need a group of people that were given a week to read this and then you might get some inkling of what it is. Things like this need to stop, these bills need to be broken down to only the real stuff that matters. I am not totally sure but I think that other countries do not have this kind of issue, at least I have not heard about it before. Just that much for a person to read is staggering, that is the size of something akin to War and Peace. Come on Congress, we need some common sense brought back into the public domain.
I guess you can get arrested for mooning someone anymore, what has this world come to. I know it is not a good experience to get mooned, that is why I was usually the one to stick my butt out the window while someone else was driving. A man was arrested in Columbia yesterday because of mooning someone and their kid. Don't do this to children, we had rules against this when I was younger. After reading the article, I guess the guy did more than just moon someone, he also showed his package to a lady, not cool man. Get a hobby.
Here is something more unexpected I found, I was not aware of this until I seen this article. I guess the government shut down the "casual encounters" section on Craigslist recently. Things happen when I'm busy I guess. But I do not have a lot to say on this subject so I will let you read the article for yourselves, decide if it was a good move; https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/a-eulogy-for-craigslists-casual-encounters-and-all-the-sex-i-found-there_us_5ab52083e4b0decad04989ab
Well, that is all for me tonight. I hope all of you have a wonderful day or night, take care!