Another Depressing Day, Locked in Syndrome, Bad Art, Marching
Hey everyone, hope your day is going well. My day has been just alright, I have been pretty depressed for a lot of reasons today. The weather had a lot to do with it, a few days ago they were calling for 65 degrees and a lot of sun, instead we got 44 degrees, overcast all day, no sun and misting rain all day. Plus I usually hurt for these days. Not a good day for me all around, plus I woke up late, a little before 9 am, that threw everything off for me. So I did not get much done today. Anyway, I was wanting to let you all know that I will not be posting tomorrow evening, just taking the day off from the blog to work on some other stuff. I will be back on Monday though with a Star Wars day! Anyway, let me get to it.
Have any of you ever heard of a condition called Locked in Syndrome? It is a frightening condition where you are basically in a coma but you can hear everything around you, can blink a little and that is it. I really feel for anyone that has ever had this condition, as I know a little bit of what it is like while I was paralyzed. I was able to blink, move my mouth as if saying words and my brain could function. I was extremely lucky as my condition was only temporary, I could not imagine living like that for years. It was good then that I signed an advance directive giving my parents say over what happens to me, as I knew they would have the best idea of if I wanted to live like that or have the plug pulled. If you have never heard of this then please look it up.
First off, I must admit that I am not a fan, for what is called, modern art. I am more of a classics kinda guy when it comes to artwork. Mostly it is art that has been produced in the last 30 years. Now I don't not like all of it, there is some I like but the vast majority I do not like. Especially the guy that pissed in a jar and stuck a crucifix with Jesus in the jar, pretty tasteless but people call that "art", I call it stupid. Not sure exactly when this was done but a long time ago someone took a urinal that is from a mens restroom and turned it sideways and called that art, come on people. I consider art something that other people would not be able to do, anyone can turn a toilet on its side and take a photo of it, not everyone would be able to paint something like The Garden of Earthly Delights unless you had extensive training. I will include a picture of the piece I am talking about. Anyway, why I am writing this is because of Jim Carrey, who has to find a way to be relevant again and has been painting pictures, that in my opinion look really bad. One of his most recent ones is of Jared Kushner, basically painting him as the devil. I am not going to link to the article where I found this because I do not support Jim in anyway. I was a fan of his early work but I think he has fell off in recent years. Besides all that, the Church of Satan does not agree with Carrey doing this painting and had something to say on Twitter, ultimatly saying that Carrey is not their high priest. It is funny but really just dumb, look that up if you want. Here is my favorite painting of all time;
So, a lot of people went to the streets today for the March for Our Lives. I have nothing against protesting, that is something this country was founded on, but I am not sure there will be a change as these people are wanting. Another thing this country was founded on was the ability for the common citizen to own a firearm, many different founders knew that this was necessary to protect against a government that became too tyrannical. The ability for the citizens of the United States of America to bear arms is an unalienable right that will never be taken away. If the government was to take guns away from everyone, this will never happen for a lot of reasons, then the only people that have weapons will be criminals and the government and the founders knew that this would be a way the new country to fail because then the government would become too tyrannical if they rounded up all the guns. The best thing for when a bad guy has a gun is a good guy with a gun and if they take away all the legal arms in America then the only people that have guns would be criminals, trust me you do not want that, unless you want this country to look like Venezuela. Politicians are smart, to a point, they knew that if they started taking federal officers into peoples homes to take the guns then the government would be looking at another civil war and I am not so sure they could win this one. Plus they would lose support of the people, which is always a bad thing for a government when it is fighting its own citizens. So basically, I am sorry but I do not think this march will have the intended affect of reducing the number of guns in the United States of America. There is a much smarter way to protect schools, the reason why there have been a lot of school shootings is because schools are listed as gun free zones. If you had someone there with a gun, the people that are using the guns for the wrong reasons would not be successful. There are plenty of veterans that are unemployed, they have training with firearms, put them to work protecting kids, I am sure a lot of them will thank you for that opportunity.
Those are just my few cents on things happening in the world. That is all for me tonight, I hope all of you have a fabulous night or day, take care!
Have any of you ever heard of a condition called Locked in Syndrome? It is a frightening condition where you are basically in a coma but you can hear everything around you, can blink a little and that is it. I really feel for anyone that has ever had this condition, as I know a little bit of what it is like while I was paralyzed. I was able to blink, move my mouth as if saying words and my brain could function. I was extremely lucky as my condition was only temporary, I could not imagine living like that for years. It was good then that I signed an advance directive giving my parents say over what happens to me, as I knew they would have the best idea of if I wanted to live like that or have the plug pulled. If you have never heard of this then please look it up.
First off, I must admit that I am not a fan, for what is called, modern art. I am more of a classics kinda guy when it comes to artwork. Mostly it is art that has been produced in the last 30 years. Now I don't not like all of it, there is some I like but the vast majority I do not like. Especially the guy that pissed in a jar and stuck a crucifix with Jesus in the jar, pretty tasteless but people call that "art", I call it stupid. Not sure exactly when this was done but a long time ago someone took a urinal that is from a mens restroom and turned it sideways and called that art, come on people. I consider art something that other people would not be able to do, anyone can turn a toilet on its side and take a photo of it, not everyone would be able to paint something like The Garden of Earthly Delights unless you had extensive training. I will include a picture of the piece I am talking about. Anyway, why I am writing this is because of Jim Carrey, who has to find a way to be relevant again and has been painting pictures, that in my opinion look really bad. One of his most recent ones is of Jared Kushner, basically painting him as the devil. I am not going to link to the article where I found this because I do not support Jim in anyway. I was a fan of his early work but I think he has fell off in recent years. Besides all that, the Church of Satan does not agree with Carrey doing this painting and had something to say on Twitter, ultimatly saying that Carrey is not their high priest. It is funny but really just dumb, look that up if you want. Here is my favorite painting of all time;
So, a lot of people went to the streets today for the March for Our Lives. I have nothing against protesting, that is something this country was founded on, but I am not sure there will be a change as these people are wanting. Another thing this country was founded on was the ability for the common citizen to own a firearm, many different founders knew that this was necessary to protect against a government that became too tyrannical. The ability for the citizens of the United States of America to bear arms is an unalienable right that will never be taken away. If the government was to take guns away from everyone, this will never happen for a lot of reasons, then the only people that have weapons will be criminals and the government and the founders knew that this would be a way the new country to fail because then the government would become too tyrannical if they rounded up all the guns. The best thing for when a bad guy has a gun is a good guy with a gun and if they take away all the legal arms in America then the only people that have guns would be criminals, trust me you do not want that, unless you want this country to look like Venezuela. Politicians are smart, to a point, they knew that if they started taking federal officers into peoples homes to take the guns then the government would be looking at another civil war and I am not so sure they could win this one. Plus they would lose support of the people, which is always a bad thing for a government when it is fighting its own citizens. So basically, I am sorry but I do not think this march will have the intended affect of reducing the number of guns in the United States of America. There is a much smarter way to protect schools, the reason why there have been a lot of school shootings is because schools are listed as gun free zones. If you had someone there with a gun, the people that are using the guns for the wrong reasons would not be successful. There are plenty of veterans that are unemployed, they have training with firearms, put them to work protecting kids, I am sure a lot of them will thank you for that opportunity.
Those are just my few cents on things happening in the world. That is all for me tonight, I hope all of you have a fabulous night or day, take care!