
Showing posts from February, 2018

Falling and Getting Up, Black Panther Money Stuff, My Marvel Reason, NFL Notes, Old News

Extremely Painful Day, Anglo-Zanzibar War, Superhero Movie Facts, Disgusting and Sad Article

Better Weather, Still Sore, Solo Stuff, Possible Political Pursuits, Black Panther

Decent Day, Very Painful Day, Another Favorite Person

Very High Pain Day, More Hacking, Early Tornadoes, Chiefs Trading

Last Night Apology, Submission, Curling Gold, Unfortunate Names

Overcast Day, Local Threat, No to Gun Control, Unlucky Day

Helpful Day, More Black Panther Stuff, DC Failing?

Rainy Day, Another Forgotten War, New Black Panther Stuff

Painful Day, Rebels Is Back!, Horrible Performance, Where Do Things Come From

Warmer Day, Possible New Blog, More Black Panther Stuff, Chiefs Trade Happy?

Alright Day, Russian Trolls, A Great Man, Placing Blame

Uber Driving, Another Person I Do Not Like, School Shooting and History

Black Panther Non-Spoiler Review

Happy Singles Awareness Day!, Black Panther Stuff, Ignorant People in My Opinion

Another Good Day, History Day, Misleading Pot Article

Warmer Weather, Star Wars Day!, Gym Rant, Drug Pushers, Peckish

Another Cold Day, Bad CNN

Cold Weather, Venom Letdown, Smith Trade in Trouble, Israel Again

Good, Boring Day, Real NK Leader, More Problems for Equifax, Cop Killer

Good Day, Local Stuff, Venom Teaser, Deadpool 2 Cable Trailer, Amazon Taking Over, Confabulate

Good Day, Marvel Day List, Star Wars Upcoming Shows

Big Pain Day, History Stuff, Press Secretory, Infinity War Teaser

Boring Day, Star Wars Day, Dumb Memo, Dynasty is Still Alive

Good Evening, Super Bowl Trailers, Pricey Game

Good Day, Train Wreck, Ok Predators, Nazi Hiding