
Showing posts from March, 2018

Nice Day, Super Infections, Hell or No Hell

Slow Day, Local Senate Race, Wal-Mart Merger

Busy Day, Cloak & Dagger Stuff, Marvel Podcasts, Stupid California

New Place, Not Much Star Wars, Update for Flat Earth Guy, Too Much Ego

Another Depressing Day, Locked in Syndrome, Bad Art, Marching

Overcast Day, Spending a Lot, Exhibitionist Showing, No More Easy Love

North Wind, Governor Problems, Chiefs Mock Draft, Smart Guys

Depressing Day, Surfer News, Media Forgets

Bad Shoulder, Misconceptions, GBS Survivor

Bad Weather, New Star Wars Trilogy, Rich Man Loses Money-BooHoo

Painful Day, Presidential Promises, Party of Slavery in the USA

Ok Day, New Avengers Trailer, Problems With Congress

Wore Out, Local Stuff, Illuminati Talk

Good Day, Infinity War Stuff, End of a Store, Great Man

Good Day, Dog of War, Internet Dad Not Happy

Alright Day, Lucasfilm Directions, China Not As Happy With Black Panther

Strange Weather, Another Crappy Person, Where is He, A New Dictator

Good Day, NK Meeting Update, A Horrible Person

Not a Bad Day, International Womens Day, Local Stuff, Fat Guy Meeting

Good Day, Marvel Predictions and Posters, Blue Texas, 48 Years Without a Phone

Not Much, Long Wars, Promotion, Rebels is Gone, Financial Chief is Gone Too

Okay Day, Star Wars Rebels Stuff, Pizza Surprise, A Man in D.C. With a Backbone

Falling Some More, DUI First, End of an Era

Alright Day, Foot Stuck in Mouth Syndrome, Pathetic Roy Moore, Good Marvel News

Lost Time, Local Troubles, New Conspiracy Theory