Panic Attack, Lots of Pain, Women in the Wrong, Out of Cards

Hello everyone, I hope you all are great.  My day has been alright but I did have some trouble while I was at the mall today.  There were so many people there and I was getting so frustrated running into people or them running into me and I had a small anxiety attack.  My hands were shaking and I was getting very warm.  So not a fun experience but I am over that.  I did wake up from a nap a little bit ago that felt like I had been asleep for hours, I was out.  I went to sleep before 4 and woke up at 6 but felt like it was 6 am and not pm.  Those kinds of naps are tough.

My pain has been bad today, the level has been at a 10 again.  It has stayed that high even though I have my oxy with me.  The pain is now in my shoulders, right wrist which is really bad and my fingers.  Sometimes I think I am just falling apart but then I try to put a smile on my face and say hi to people I do not know. 

First I would like to talk about this sexual harassment stuff that has really been going around.  Before I start talking my mind I would like to point out that I believe that sexual harassment is wrong and men and women should not practice that, yes women do it also even though it is not talked about as much.  Pamela Anderson recently came out and said a few things, I do not have a link to it but I am sure you can find it pretty easy.  She said that a woman should never go into a hotel room alone with some of these guys because I guess you can tell which ones are more sleazy than others.  So yes, if that is what a woman has done, gone alone into a hotel room with someone like Harvey Weinstein then, I know people will not like this but the truth hurts, you should have known what was going to happen.  I get so tired of women that try to act like they are helpless victims because they are not.  If you were legitimately raped then that is one thing and that is wrong in every sense but some of this stuff that is talked about that these women went through they should have been smart and strong enough to walk away.  Now I know that I will get a lot of backlash on this but I do not care because it is something I believe in, I am not afraid to speak my mind even if it hurts someones feelings, which happens way too much nowadays. 

Well, today I sold all my cards, my entire collection.  I was set up at the card show in town and a guy came up and asked me if I was interested in selling everything.  It took me a few to decide but I thought it would be good to start over fresh, there were a lot of cards I wanted to get rid of that I was not able to.  I am kind of excited for this new part of my life, I might not start collecting right away but I will again.

Well, that is all for me tonight, I am still pretty tired.  I really hope you all have an extraordinarily great night or day, take care!


Anonymous said…
I do agree with you Steven about woman going to a hotel with a man and think we'll have a drink and he will take me home! As I have always herald men will be men, figure that one out yet?

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