Good Day, Lot of Pain, The Last Jedi Spoiler Talk
Hey all, hope you are well today. My day has been good, I got up and decided to go to the store at 8 am when they opened, it is the little store I like to go to. But I stopped and got a coffee before hand, have not had one of those in a while and it was good. Then I went to see the new doctor about my right hip and he said that I had degenerative disease in the hip while we both looked at the X-Ray. He gave me a shot of cortisone in the hip saying that I did not need to have hip replacement surgery for quite a while. Thought about celebrating but then I remembered that I do not like to stay up very late. I was happy about that and have to start doing physical therapy for my hip at Rusk Rehab soon, I see him again in 6 weeks. A little bit later I did some babysitting of my Godchild, it was really easy since he slept most of the time and woke up asking for a ball. It is always fun seeing him and getting to play catch with the little football I have. And now I am writing this so all is alright in some areas of life for me.
My pain level today is at a 10, my rib is hurting me a little but it is better than yesterday and am feeling a lot of pain in my back and legs. Along with pain in my hands and feet to round it out. The shot I was given today has been a little sore but only when I transfer so that helps a little. Now, onto important stuff.
So, it is a Star Wars day and I am going to talk about spoilers with The Last Jedi(TLJ). So if you plan on watching the movie and do not want to learn anything then skip this section. I think TLJ was a really good movie if you do not go into it with a bunch of expectations, episode VII did leave a lot of questions open and this movie did not answer them all. We do find out about Reys' parents, they are nobodies that sold her off for drinking money. That was big but I was thinking that for the last few months though. We do not learn any really about Snoke and he gets killed by Kylo Ren fairly quick but that does set up a really cool fight scene with Snokes guards. The last I will talk about this great movie is the ending, which I thought was very fitting. Towards the end the Resistance is on the new planet Crait, Luke is still on Ach-To and is force projecting himself across the galaxy to fight the First Order. This is obviously taxing on him and he dies just like Yoda and Obi Wan. Also Yoda shows up and he is awesome, they used a puppet for him like in the original trilogy. So, if you haven't seen this movie or have, go watch it! I am tomorrow.
That is it for me tonight. I hope all of you have a great day or night, take care!
My pain level today is at a 10, my rib is hurting me a little but it is better than yesterday and am feeling a lot of pain in my back and legs. Along with pain in my hands and feet to round it out. The shot I was given today has been a little sore but only when I transfer so that helps a little. Now, onto important stuff.
So, it is a Star Wars day and I am going to talk about spoilers with The Last Jedi(TLJ). So if you plan on watching the movie and do not want to learn anything then skip this section. I think TLJ was a really good movie if you do not go into it with a bunch of expectations, episode VII did leave a lot of questions open and this movie did not answer them all. We do find out about Reys' parents, they are nobodies that sold her off for drinking money. That was big but I was thinking that for the last few months though. We do not learn any really about Snoke and he gets killed by Kylo Ren fairly quick but that does set up a really cool fight scene with Snokes guards. The last I will talk about this great movie is the ending, which I thought was very fitting. Towards the end the Resistance is on the new planet Crait, Luke is still on Ach-To and is force projecting himself across the galaxy to fight the First Order. This is obviously taxing on him and he dies just like Yoda and Obi Wan. Also Yoda shows up and he is awesome, they used a puppet for him like in the original trilogy. So, if you haven't seen this movie or have, go watch it! I am tomorrow.
That is it for me tonight. I hope all of you have a great day or night, take care!