Good Day, Same Pain, 2020 Election, Sexual Harassment Allegations, Gambit Movie

Hello everyone, hope your day has gone well.  My day has gone well and it was pretty nice out but the wind was pretty bad out there.  I did go to the gym today but did not do a whole lot today because my blood sugar started dropping after about 30 minutes so I left to get something to eat.  Then I have been sorting cards are trying to do some trading.  I have also been looking up some stuff to talk about today so I have a few things in mind.  I have been trying to keep my mind busy because I am psyched about watching The Last Jedi tomorrow at the premiere here in town.  To save space, my pain is mostly the same so I will not waste a whole paragraph on that.  So, let us get on to it.

It is almost 3 years out from the election for president in 2020 but I cannot believe how many people have declared that they are seeking the highest office in the land.  I had seen one website that said there were over 40 people looking to get the Democratic nomination, it is mostly because there are so many people that hate President Donald Trump, who is probably going to run for re-election.  Some of the more interesting names are people like Mark Cuban, The Rock, Mark Zuckerberg and Oprah.  First off, I do not like Oprah and I would hope she does not even come close.  Cuban and Zuckerberg are probably the most interesting and bring up more questions since they are both billionaires that have been critical of President Trump.  Since neither man has actually stated that they are running for sure then I do not know any of their policy stances so I cannot say who I would vote for.  Same thing with Dwayne Johnson or The Rock.  Personally I like that person and he is a registered republican but am not sure if he will run on either side or if he would try a third party run.  The Rock has not proclaimed himself as running yet so I cannot say I would vote for him either but I would be more likely to vote for him since he is so darn charming.  No matter who does end up running, I think this will be the most controversial, entertaining and news worthy election in the history of this great country. 

So the Alabama special election was held yesterday and Roy Moore lost.  Some people are now saying that this is a wake up call for democrats and that they are going to start winning races across the nation soon.  Not sure if that is true but I guess they lucked out in Congress not having to seat Roy Moore, some were real worried about that since he has been accused of sexual misconduct with minors.  If it is true then it is seriously wrong but there is no way to prove any of this because it supposedly happened almost 40 years ago.  The reason I am bringing this up is, all a woman has to do is accuse a man of something similar to this and he is automatically guilty in the eyes of most everyone and she does not have to prove anything or present any evidence.  This is an easy way to get rid of someone you do not like.  No I know I could get roasted for saying things like this but it is true and needs to be addressed.  Like I have said before, this is a country of laws and you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.  Every American citizen has this right but everyone seems to forget about that when it is convenient.  Next time you hear about an allegation of a man doing this, please remember what I just said.

Since the news is about to come out about the Disney-Fox deal tomorrow, some people have been asking questions about the Marvel movies that Fox has in development right now.  One in particular is Gambit, which has been tossed around a lot in the last 4 years or so.  Last thing I had heard about this movie was that it was supposed to come out in 2018 but they have not even starting filming, I cannot remember if they found a director because there have been many attached to this project but have left for whatever reason.  Since Disney is now going to inherit the Gambit mess, what are they going to do with it?  My feeling is they will just scrap it and introduce the character in a future X-Men movie, I think that would work best.  I am not against a solo Gambit movie but I think he works so much better with a team.

Well, that is it for me tonight everyone.  I really hope all of you have a really great night or day, take care!


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