Busy Day, Little Less Pain, Few Star Wars News Stories, Dems Celebrate

Hi there guys, I am back.  Well my day was pretty good.  Took some paperwork to my new pain doctor and then went to the new gym in town, Planet Fitness, to make sure it was handicapped accessible, which it was from what I could tell.  I told them to mention it to the person who owns the building about putting in more handicapped parking.  Then a little later I went and worked out, kind of wore myself out and tried a new feature they had there called hydro massage.  I have never done this before, you lay down in a reclining chair and water jets shoot the warm water up to go up and down your body.  It was very relaxing and if I was on that contraption any longer than 7 minutes then I would have fell asleep.  So now I should get onto other stuff.

Pain wise I have been just a little better today, my level is 9.5, just a little less than the last few days.  It is still the same things that are hurting me as yesterday.  Working out helped for a little bit today, the only problem is that it does not last very long.  So it has not been a great day pain wise.

It is a Star Wars day so I need to pass along a little bit of news for Star Wars.  Recently there was an interview with Andy Serkis, the actor that portrays Snoke in the new Star Wars trilogy and The Last Jedi to be exact.  He talks about the unlimited resources that Snoke has and that he is way more powerful than Darth Sidious and Darth Vader.  What I think "unlimited resources' means is that he is in cahoots with the banking clan, like every bad person in Star Wars.  Or maybe if he did come from outside the known galaxy, like I propose, then he may have a huge amount of wealth. 

So I guess that the United Kingdom is putting out a commemorative note for Star Wars on this Thursday.  The only place you can buy them at first is on ebay.co.uk and I will sure go there to look at them.  Go check them out when they come out. 

Everyone on the left is so happy about this Michael Flynn thing, it seems like.  Joy Behar on the View tv show was dancing she was so happy.  Just because the Mueller investigation into Russia has called on him to testify about the relations that the candidate Trump had with Russia.  Nothing is going to be found I think, the left just want to take down President Trump and are happy at any news that helps them out.  It does not matter, if you get rid of President Trump then there is no way that Hillary Clinton can be President, Mike Pence will be the next President.  Hillary Clinton is not in the line of succession to become President.  Some people would not like Mike Pence to become President since he would make policies that adhere to his religious beliefs.  Let them celebrate all they want, they will just be let down. 

Well, that is all for me tonight.  I really hope you all have a great night or day, take care!


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