Painful Day, Kenobi Coming Back?, Tiananmen Square Again?, Crazy Rich Kids

Hey there everyone, hope things are going great on this Monday! My day was alright except for my pain doc didn't call again today on What'sApp.  We were supposed to have a phone conference on Friday, he missed that call and so I called and left a message and thought I would hear from him today but I did not, so I called again.  He is now supposed to call tomorrow at 11:30, we will see what happens.  Friday I had a problem with my computer when it froze on me and so I did a hard reboot, when I did that it would not turn back on and so I did some things to get it back to working.  I did a factory reset, even though I didn't need to do that.  The reason for the computer problems was a huge download, so I didn't need to do all that.  Oh well, it's fine now.  Had a good day at the gym but cut it a little short because of the pain but hopefully that will get better tomorrow after I get my pain meds but I have been doing pull-ups and it feels good.  It seems to really be bulking up my biceps.  So anyway, let me get to the good stuff!

Star Wars Day!  There are many rumors or just stuff made up whole cloth about the new Star Wars movie, The Rise of Skywalker.  One rumor that is making the rounds right now is that the force ghost of Obi Wan-Kenobi will show up at some point in the movie.  I do believe that this could happen, maybe sometime towards the end of the movie probably.  That's at least my best case for this to happen.  Of course I would love to see a force ghost fight, not sure who between but I think something could happen if Yoda as a ghost can create a lightning strike on the Force Tree in The Last Jedi.  Maybe Obi and Luke can come back to help in the battle against Palpatine.  I think this one is totally possible and I would like to see it.  Here is an article on this;

The protests in Hong Kong have been getting crazy lately and I am kinda surprised that China has not sent the People's Liberation Army in yet.  The article I have pulled up on this lists three possible outcomes but it doesn't have what I think Beijing would more than likely do if it irritates them enough, send in the tanks.  I think China does not care about negative publicity or if it would hurt the markets, they will do what they want overall.  They would replay Tiananmen Square if they thought it would stop these protests.  Here is the article I pulled up;

Just going to talk about this a little, a 15 year old kid won $3 million at a Fortnite tournament.  That's crazy but congrats to him.  Hope it doesn't destroy your family man.  Good luck, here is an article on it;$3-million-as-fortnite-world-champion/5426378/

Well, that's all for me tonight.  I hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!


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