Good Day, Man Made Problems, Road Change in Columbia
Hey everyone, hope your day is great! So my day, it has been alright, didn't do much different today than I normally do. I finally bought some black ink for my printer so I don't have to go to the library all the time and can print labels when I sell something online. That helps because I can just drop it off in the box here where I live instead of going to the post office and write out the address on the package. Just makes it a little nice for me. It seems like black ink runs out twice as fast as the color ink. Just strange. I also had to watch the boys for a few hours and they were alright. The youngest one is getting ready to start talking, which is pretty annoying since I cannot understand anything that comes out of his mouth. He can say a few things pretty reasonable like fart, of course they learn more bad words first. That's the way it is when you learn another language too, when I started learning Arabic I learned the bad words first, just depending on how you learn, where it is in a classroom and the other being from a friend that is a native speaker. I was taught, at least first off by my friend from Jordan and then I learned in a classroom later. So anyway, time to get to it!
History Day! Today I am going to talk about man made disasters, things we pretty much did to ourselves, like there are not enough obstacles to navigate through this life. This list goes from 1814 to 1989 and is from Listverse. First one I will talk about is the Great Molassess Flood of 1919 in Boston. 21 people lost their lives to this and it has to be one of the strangest ways to go, definitely a terrifying way to go, kind of like drowning or burning to death. To me those two are the worst ways to die. Think how powerful around 2.3 million gallons of mollasses, could you imagine just seeing this rolling down the street, had to have been surreal. Another disaster that has to do with flooding is the Great London Beer Tsunami that happened in 1814. 8 people perished in this catastrophe but these people had died of drowning, basically. I remember a story I read a while ago that there were people jumping in the flood to get a drink of free beer. I am sure you had to be careful of consuming that much alcohol that fast but as long as you didn't die then I guess you were good. Well, there is 8 more stories of times when we cause major disasters in the world. Here is that webpage;
Here is a local story I have been talking about for a few years now, the Hwy. 63 and I-70 interchange and that it will need to be addressed soon. The article where I found this talks about how they cannot get past the roadblock of money and funding. MoDot is funded by the gas tax from the state and it is at .17 cents which is were it has been for a long time and now that .17 cents has the purchasing power of .08 cents nowadays. So something needs to happen if we want an upgrade or good repairs to our roads. I hope they try to put something on the ballot for increasing the gas tax that is a good idea, they have not come up with good ones as of late. Something needs to change but when they tear out that interchange I would hate to be living right there or working in that area. I do live a little ways away from it but I can skip it instead of take it more than anything. Hopefully something good comes up on the ballot this November. Here is that article;
Well, that's it for me tonight. I really hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!
History Day! Today I am going to talk about man made disasters, things we pretty much did to ourselves, like there are not enough obstacles to navigate through this life. This list goes from 1814 to 1989 and is from Listverse. First one I will talk about is the Great Molassess Flood of 1919 in Boston. 21 people lost their lives to this and it has to be one of the strangest ways to go, definitely a terrifying way to go, kind of like drowning or burning to death. To me those two are the worst ways to die. Think how powerful around 2.3 million gallons of mollasses, could you imagine just seeing this rolling down the street, had to have been surreal. Another disaster that has to do with flooding is the Great London Beer Tsunami that happened in 1814. 8 people perished in this catastrophe but these people had died of drowning, basically. I remember a story I read a while ago that there were people jumping in the flood to get a drink of free beer. I am sure you had to be careful of consuming that much alcohol that fast but as long as you didn't die then I guess you were good. Well, there is 8 more stories of times when we cause major disasters in the world. Here is that webpage;
Here is a local story I have been talking about for a few years now, the Hwy. 63 and I-70 interchange and that it will need to be addressed soon. The article where I found this talks about how they cannot get past the roadblock of money and funding. MoDot is funded by the gas tax from the state and it is at .17 cents which is were it has been for a long time and now that .17 cents has the purchasing power of .08 cents nowadays. So something needs to happen if we want an upgrade or good repairs to our roads. I hope they try to put something on the ballot for increasing the gas tax that is a good idea, they have not come up with good ones as of late. Something needs to change but when they tear out that interchange I would hate to be living right there or working in that area. I do live a little ways away from it but I can skip it instead of take it more than anything. Hopefully something good comes up on the ballot this November. Here is that article;
Well, that's it for me tonight. I really hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!