Lazy Day, Far From Home Review!, Old Jobs, Stupid Controversy

Hey there guys, I hope your day is going well!  My day has been good, I didn't go to the gym today since I woke up later because I didn't get home till a little before 3 am and didn't wake up until almost 10 am.  I just decided to stay home and do stuff here.  My friend and her two kids stopped by for a while today, always good to see them.  I haven't done much, I have not driven anywhere and barely have went outside because the humidity is so high today.  So, without much to talk about my day, let me go on and get to it!

Spider-Man: Far From Home Review!  First off, I really liked this movie since it went just a little different than I thought it would.  Spider-Man was a little more hardcore than I was thinking, than he was in Homecoming, especially at the end battle.  Kind of like a switch was hit at the end of the first half of the movie after talking with Happy Hogan.  I think it is great that Happy is going to stay around in the MCU for a while as a sort of mentor/helper to Spider-Man and Peter Parker.  A few reviewers were a little put off from the whole teenage romance aspects of the movie, it did not bother at all as it was showing Peter growing up and trusting others.  There was some good humor in the movie, mostly from Samuel Jackson, who does a great job as Nick Fury who now has to work in this post Endgame world without a team.  Jake Gylenhaal was born to play Mysterio, his performance is perfect.  Mysterio, at least to me, was thought of as a bit of a difficult character to bring to screen.  When the Sam Raimi Spider-Man series first came out I tried to think of how they could bring him to the screen since he is such an iconic Spider-Man foil but this movie does a great job of it.  The writers and everyone who worked on this movie should get a bunch of awards, I thought it was great.  I cannot wait to see who they use as the next villain.  I choose Kraven the Hunter but I could see a great movie with Dr. Octopus or Electro.  I really hope that Sony doesn't rush Venom into a Spider-Man movie like they did before, that's what ruined the Raimi universe.  The two post credit scenes are great and there is someone who comes back from the Raimi movies and it is a wonderful thing, cannot wait to see what happens next.  My opinion, go watch this over the holiday weekend!

History Day!  Something a lot of us don't think about, what jobs used to be like in the olden days or around 100 years ago or so and how different they are now compared.  One of the most interesting story comes from the first automobile made by Karl Benz in 1888, when his wife took the first car on a road trip with their two sons to see her mother.  Not a huge thing for Karl not to see his mother-in-law but what happened during the road trip.  Ms. Benz, Bertha, seems to have been handy and handled all the repairs to the car herself and she even knew what to do when the vehicle ran out of fuel.  Back then gasoline was not as widespread as it is today and actually the car used something else as fuel, Ligroin.  Ligroin is another product from petroleum, kind of like gas, it is a solvent and the earliest cars ran on this.  So in turn for having Ligroin, the pharmacy where she picked it up at is now considered the first fuel station in the world.  So early on, at least until dedicated gas stations rose up, pharmacies where the first filling stations as they stocked up on Ligroin and then gasoline as it became more widely used.  That was the story I really liked out of this webpage, there are 9 other ones that you might like from this list;

Nike just made a really stupid choice, pulling some shoes with a Betsy Ross flag on them because that idiot colin kaepernick said he thought they were offensive.  I think it is clear that colin does not like this country but if he doesn't like it that much then why doesn't he leave and go somewhere else because he is not going to get another chance in the NFL.  As a lot of you might know, I am not a fan of his for a lot of reasons but I have to say that towards the end of his run in the NFL he wasn't very good as defense coordinators had figured him out so he wasn't very good.  The article that I will add here is about a guy that I really don't agree with on much of anything but here he is spot on about a few things.  But here is an article so you all can make up your own minds;

Well, that's all for me tonight.  I really hope that you all have a great night or day, take care!


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