Good Day Again, Strange Trailer, More Iran Trouble, Send Me to Prison

Hey there all, hope the end of your week is going great!  My day has been good, way too hot but good.  The heat index here got up to 107 today, thank God for AC.  That has to be one of the top 100 inventions that man has come up with.  Sorry, guess I was sexist with that and should've said 'humankind' or something but I really think it's ok as man.  Nowadays people take things way to literally and need to cool off a little and just live life without getting upset at everything.  I myself try to take things a lot easier and go with the flow.  Not sure how much of that is just my attitude or not having any adrenaline, probably both.  I think everyone should just take a step back and look at the whole picture before talking.  But anyway, let me get to it!

To let you in on something, I don't like cats, I'm allergic and they are just jerks.  So that is a lot of the reason why I will not watch a new movie that I didn't know about called Cats, the Broadway musical is coming to the big screen, for some reason.  Was there a lot of people clamoring for this to happen or what, I never heard anything about this.  I feel sorry for everyone that is in this, especially Dame Judi Dench, who is a great actress and far too good for something like this.  I did watch the trailer for all of you and it was very hard to watch.  If I was to have nightmares I think this subject would feature at the front of them, it's quite hard to watch, very creepy.  Basically this is nightmare fuel for people out there that might have a phobia of cats.  There is a part of the trailer that shows Dench's character and she is wearing what looks like a fur coat, is that supposed to be a cat fur coat or some other animal and if it is a cat fur coat, did she kill that cat herself?  A lot of weird questions and I am not ready to confront them.  Here is the trailer but please do not let children watch this;

Iran is stirring up some more trouble in the gulf by seizing a British oil tanker and I am wondering why this has not caused a real ruckus across the pond.  If this makes the British want to declare war with Iran then the Brits know that we are right there and will help them so they would not have to take this all on by themselves.  I am not sure what game is being played here by Iran, what purpose does it serve to take over a tanker of a country so aligned with the United States of America, this would bring the downfall of the regime very quickly.  Remember, Britain has a lot of history in the region, they are the ones that came to us in America to overthrow the government in 1953, they are the ones who helped find all the oil in Iran and they are the ones that helped keep communism out of Iran during the Cold War and before.  So my big question is, why?  We may find out sometime this weekend but I hope the crew of those ships are being treated well as there are some different nationalities on there.  Here is an article about it;

Here is something I guess I never really thought about, asking to be sent to prison.  I guess I can understand it for a homeless person but not really for anyone else.  But that is just something these people asked for from this list from one of my favorite sites, Listverse, 10 People Who Asked to Go to Prison.  There are one or two funny ones where a man really wanted to get away from his wife that he asked to be sent to prison, that's pretty extreme and you must really hate your wife then.  I also learned that the Italian judicial system will let you go to prison if you just ask really nice, guess that's a good thing.  Then there is a sad one where a man who has mental issues said his life was better behind bars than it is in the real world, that has to be tough and I hope he is better now.  Anyway, I will add the list so you all can read for yourselves;

Hadn't done this for awhile but I wanted to give a book update.  Right now I am probably at least 80 percent finished.  I just started Chapter 8, talking about what my life is like now that I have lived with Addison's for 30 years and GBS for 15 years.  Like I say in the book, writing an autobiography it is tough to figure out where you are going to end it since your life is not over, obviously and I don't want anyone else to finish the book for me, I want to complete it.  If I work hard on it I could be finished with it within a few weeks, that would be great.  Then I just have to find someone to publish for me that isn't going to cost an arm and a leg.  There is a company I heard about called Page Publishing, I will give them a call soon to find out their process.  Getting pretty excited, almost done!

That is it for me tonight.  I really hope that every one of you have a great weekend and I will be back on Monday, take care!


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