Good Day, American History Lesson, Cat Fights, Not Included

Hey there all, hope your day is going great!  My day has been pretty good, tried to get some rest and skipped the gym.  One reason why I skipped was cause I was a little busy, I needed to wait by the phone at home for the call from my doc which he did call about 11:30 and got my pain meds filled up, which is good now.  Then I had a meeting with my psych, it was a productive appointment and we got some things worked out on what needs to happen.  I have an interview tomorrow at a place called Midway here in Columbia, it's an outdoor and gun company.  The position is for shipping and receiving clerk, part time.  I figured that something I can physically do.  So, it's time to get to the good stuff!

History Day!  This is a history lesson but also a little bit of a rant about how much people here in America do not pay attention to history.  There are a few reasons for this, the first would be that history is taught wrong in K-12 school and the second is that some people just don't find history fascinating, probably because they were taught the wrong way by a teacher who was only there for a paycheck.  So, misconceptions of American history by American people.  Now I could fill up a small book with the things that the common American person does not know about our history so I will stick to just a few things here, because I don't want to make it really long.  The first is about the Puritans, religious people that left Europe to come to the New World to practice their religion in peace.  These people were not very tolerant of other religions though and banished people from their flock for doing anything like that.  Basically what I am saying is that these people were not very religiously tolerant, way more strict than some are today.  Another is about the great Emancipation Proclamation, this piece of paper did not free slaves anywhere, it was the 13th amendment that did that.  Also, Abraham Lincoln was not totally against slavery, he just wanted to keep the union together.  He once famously said, "If I could end the war by freeing all the slaves, I would and if I could end the war by freeing some of the slaves, I would and if I could end the war by not freeing any slaves, I would".  He mostly just wanted to end the war.  Also, most cowboys in the wild west were black, it is said that about 1 in 4 were black.  So there are a few things that a lot of Americans do not know about their own history.  Here is a top ten list from Listverse that talks about this;

Like most Americans, I am tired of these stupid little spats between the president and democrats, just get along guys.  Even though I think it is dumb, the most recent one of President Trump against democrat Elijah Cummings, Cummings represents Marylands 7th district.  The president spoke bad about the district that Cummings represents and then the democrats called President Trump racist.  Now I have put the definition of racist up on social media and I think people need to re-learn that, being a racist means that you think one race is dominant over another race.  So the only way that what the president said could actually be racist is if he said, 'a white man can do a better job at what you do'.  I have said before that I do not agree with everything the president said but I don't not like President Trump, I just think he should shut his mouth sometimes and think before he hits that tweet button on Twitter.  Now, on to the city of Baltimore that Cummings is representing.  It has been run down, there have been nothing but democrats running the city for a very long time and the city never seems to get any better.  If you look at crime data lists for major cities in the country, Baltimore is always toward the worst end of that list.  According to a CBS News thing, Baltimore is the 3rd most dangerous city in the country with 342 people murdered in 2017.  That's not a good look for any city.  Hopefully things get better there soon, Baltimore is one of the great historical cities in the country.  Here is an article about the feud;

Don't think it really matters that much to him but it seems that there is a new law in california that says you need to release your taxes to be included on the ballot.  So if President Trump does not release his taxes before the 2020 election he will not be on the california ballot.  He certainly isn't going to win that liberal state so I am not sure he really cares.  People that really want to vote for the man will write his name in anyway.  I don't really care about this as I have said before how much I don't like that state, I won't even capitalize the name.  Here is a video about this;

Well, that's all for me tonight.  I really hope that you all have a great night or day, take care!


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