
Showing posts from December, 2017

Restful Day, Lower Pain, Iran Coups?, January Movie

Good Day, Tough Workout, Little Less Pain, NFL Tribulations, Iran Protests

Busy Day, Lots of Pain, Look Back, Non-Politician Presidents, New Stuff

Ok Day, High Pain, Marvel Stuff, Anthrax Free Soldier, Wormholes

Freezing Day, High Pain, Presidential Conspiracy, Good for Retail

Merry Christmas, OK Day, Less Pain, Star Wars Crybabys, Jesus in the Quran

Stressful Day, High Pain Level, Bitcoin Problems, Christmas Cheer

Decent Day, Better Pain, "Porch Pirates", Partisanship

Good, Long Day; Marvel stuff, Update on Tax Bill

Busy Day, Different Pain, Stone Structures in the Desert, Medical Weed Update, New Tax Bill

Good Day, Lot of Pain, The Last Jedi Spoiler Talk

Relaxing Day, Very High Pain, Star Wars Spoilers Tomorrow, Stupid NK, Net Neutrality, Medical Weed

Nice Day, New Pain, Moore Won't Quit, New Accusers

The Last Jedi Review

Good Day, Same Pain, 2020 Election, Sexual Harassment Allegations, Gambit Movie

Good Day, Mostly Same Pain, Jimmy Kimmel, Taiwan Threat

Little Sick, Star Wars!, Fat Kim

Bonus Post, X-Men and Fantastic Four in MCU

Alright Day, Less Pain, Odom Extension, Chiefs Troubles, Net Neutrality

Alright Day, Lots of Pain, Homeless Problem in Columbia, Bad Choice, Hezbollah Protests

So So Day, Huge Pain Day, History Movies, Capital of Israel, Dumb Left

Workout Day, Same Pain, Disney Deal With Fox, Marvel Podcast, Terrorist Feelings

Busy Day, Little Less Pain, Few Star Wars News Stories, Dems Celebrate

Chiefs Lost, Huge Pain Day, Old School Scandals, CFP and Bama, Disney and Fox Deal

Panic Attack, Lots of Pain, Women in the Wrong, Out of Cards

Alright Day, Lot of Pain Again, SF Shooting Verdict, Opioid Issue