Very Much Pain, More Ragnarok, Pushing

I really hope all are having a better day than I am having. As most of you who have been reading for anytime know that I have serious and complicated health issues and sometimes that involves a lot of pain. My pain doc was supposed to send over my script for oxy and Embedda but did not. I tried to call him but a message said that he was not in office until November 13th because of vacation. He is done as my pain doc because he just does not seem to understand my pain and already have plans for a new pain doctor. So I am really not having a good day, my pain is at a 10, I have almost gone into an anxiety attack a few times. But I am sure I will live.

More about Thor:Ragnarok. That movie was so funny, everyone was laughing so much it was tough to hear at times. If you have not seen any of the Avengers movies then there are some jokes that you might not get but I think casual fans would still have a good time. I think Hela or Cate Blanchett was just amazing and the best part of the whole movie when she is on screen.

Yesterday it was a little warmer outside and decided to go pushing around the neighborhood. I ended up pushing just under a mile, did not get to track it though because my app was not working. I knew how long it was based on doing that same route before, felt good at the time but hurt just a little after. Not doing that unless I have my pain meds probably.

Well, that is all for now. I hope all have a great day or night, take care?


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