Decent Day, Tax Exemption, Hollywood Scandal, Apple Hypocrites?
Hello all, I am back again. So I hope you all are doing great today. My day has not been too bad, did not do a whole lot but I did put some cards and some coins online to sell to make a little cash. Actually I am still doing that and have not put all my cards up yet. I really need to make room for some of the new stuff, it will be 2018 before we know it. Basically I need to make a few one row boxes of just base or older cards priced at just .50. People will be buying a lot of cards soon for Christmas, it is usually a good gift for someone to get their kids cards of their favorite team or a nephew that likes a certain player. There is another card show coming up on December 2nd at the Holiday Inn east of town across I-70 from the Harley dealer. So I usually talk about my pain in this same paragraph, that will change on my next blog post. Anyway, my pain has stayed pretty consistant at a 7.5, my teeth keep flaring up and that makes it a lot worse, plus it seems as if the tooth pain has gotten worse over the last two days. Oh well.
What to talk about today? With all this talk about tax and stuff, somebody had asked President Trump about the Church of Scientology and if they should be tax exempt. He does not believe that the Church of Scientology should be free from paying taxes. I totally agree with him on this. It has been uncovered that scientology is just a wacky way of thinking. This post might be brought down, just to let you all know and I will keep you updated. Anyway, I do not think that the Church of Scientology should be tax exempt at all. Basically scientology is just a madman's beliefs that some people made into a "religion" and I do not think if you really look at the definition of religion that scientology comes close to what a real religion is. I guess I should not be so hard on them since I do not know of scientology first hand, every think I know about this group is stuff I have read online. The church did do some espionage in the 1970's in an operation called Operation Snow White. That is a pretty interesting story and you should check it out, the link will be provided at the end of this paragraph. I will give you the link to Wikipedia because I think that is a great place to start and you can always just follow links to sites that are not of Wikipedia to learn more. Here you go:
I think it is good that Hollywood is getting exposed from these brave women that have come out to speak of their sexual harassment or worse at the hands of some sick people that need do need some help. A few of these people I was not a big fan of anyway like Harvey Weinstein. One person I really liked as an actor and did not think he was like that, Kevin Spacey. I hope this helps the women that came forward to get a little bit of closure or whatever it is they need, these people that did this to those women get justice and some help. I am sure that the ones accused are not the only offenders in Hollywood but it is a start. Now unfortunantly you will also see some deplorable stuff happen like women coming out against someone just so they can get their few minutes of fame and money. I hate those kinds of scams.
Apple is being a little hypocritical now about unlocking the phone of the shooters. Remember when there was a terrorist attack in San Bernidino, Apple said they could not unlock it, same thing with the shooter at the gay club in Florida; so why are the very adimant about unlocking the shooter in the Texas shooting? Correct me if I am wrong but I do not think they unlocked the phones of the first two shooters, please let me know, I am very tired and do not feel like looking this up right now. I do not know what their motivations are exactly so I will not comment on what I think they are trying to do here. I heard an interesting thing on the radio yesterday. Tim Cook, who is the head of Apple, was asked a question about how much of a difference the Russian ads that were placed on sites like Facebook and Twitter and his response was something I was not expecting. He said, and I cannot quote here, 'those ads had such a small factor in trying to swing the election either way, maybe it worked a tenth of one percent'. Exactly what I think, I figured he would try to go after President Trump with his answer though. Very surprising.
Well, that is all for tonight. I really hope all of you have a fantastic night or day, take care!
What to talk about today? With all this talk about tax and stuff, somebody had asked President Trump about the Church of Scientology and if they should be tax exempt. He does not believe that the Church of Scientology should be free from paying taxes. I totally agree with him on this. It has been uncovered that scientology is just a wacky way of thinking. This post might be brought down, just to let you all know and I will keep you updated. Anyway, I do not think that the Church of Scientology should be tax exempt at all. Basically scientology is just a madman's beliefs that some people made into a "religion" and I do not think if you really look at the definition of religion that scientology comes close to what a real religion is. I guess I should not be so hard on them since I do not know of scientology first hand, every think I know about this group is stuff I have read online. The church did do some espionage in the 1970's in an operation called Operation Snow White. That is a pretty interesting story and you should check it out, the link will be provided at the end of this paragraph. I will give you the link to Wikipedia because I think that is a great place to start and you can always just follow links to sites that are not of Wikipedia to learn more. Here you go:
I think it is good that Hollywood is getting exposed from these brave women that have come out to speak of their sexual harassment or worse at the hands of some sick people that need do need some help. A few of these people I was not a big fan of anyway like Harvey Weinstein. One person I really liked as an actor and did not think he was like that, Kevin Spacey. I hope this helps the women that came forward to get a little bit of closure or whatever it is they need, these people that did this to those women get justice and some help. I am sure that the ones accused are not the only offenders in Hollywood but it is a start. Now unfortunantly you will also see some deplorable stuff happen like women coming out against someone just so they can get their few minutes of fame and money. I hate those kinds of scams.
Apple is being a little hypocritical now about unlocking the phone of the shooters. Remember when there was a terrorist attack in San Bernidino, Apple said they could not unlock it, same thing with the shooter at the gay club in Florida; so why are the very adimant about unlocking the shooter in the Texas shooting? Correct me if I am wrong but I do not think they unlocked the phones of the first two shooters, please let me know, I am very tired and do not feel like looking this up right now. I do not know what their motivations are exactly so I will not comment on what I think they are trying to do here. I heard an interesting thing on the radio yesterday. Tim Cook, who is the head of Apple, was asked a question about how much of a difference the Russian ads that were placed on sites like Facebook and Twitter and his response was something I was not expecting. He said, and I cannot quote here, 'those ads had such a small factor in trying to swing the election either way, maybe it worked a tenth of one percent'. Exactly what I think, I figured he would try to go after President Trump with his answer though. Very surprising.
Well, that is all for tonight. I really hope all of you have a fantastic night or day, take care!
Just to let you know Kevin Spacey was not a woman's man no he wanted young men.That is totally sick too.