Good Day, Not Much Pain, More Clinton Crap

Hello everyone, I hope you all are great today.  My day was good, I went to one of the big antique stores here in town called Midway.  It is actually outside of town but I still call that part Columbia as it is only a few miles out. I did not find anything I wanted there but did see a lot of cool things, I like looking at that kind of stuff, it was fun.  Did that for a few hours and then came home and took a nap, it was short but I felt refreshed when I woke up.  This morning I woke up at a more normal time, 8 am.  Not sure if I will take my sleeping stuff tonight, I am out of Zzzquil anyway, that stuff is pretty expensive at about $8 a bottle.  If I do not need it then I will not take it.

Pain wise my day has been pretty uneventful except my shoulders have been flaring up a lot.  When I am laying in bed if I hold my arm a certain way then I get a lot of pain shooting up to my neck or when I do a little bit of stretching it hurts real bad.  Otherwise a good day for me, my level has been at a 7.5.

So, just ran across an article about the Uranium One deal with crooked Hilary Clinton and found out some more info.  I will not bore you by writing down what this person already did so I will add the link for you to look at if you would like.  After reading this article I believe that Clinton is even more dirty and should be taken down for this.  It seems that there are two distinct types of justice in this country, one for the regular people and one for the people such as Bill and Hilary Clinton.  Speaking of Bill, one of the big things going on in this country right now is some brave women and men standing up claiming that they were sexually assaulted and I applaud those people for coming forward but like I have said before. let us see what happens when things go to court.  But someone who seems to always get by with sexual harrasment is Bill Clinton, there is even documented cases of him doing that but he seems to get a pass because his wife worked hard to bury all the women that came forward.  That was even at the time when Hilary said that women that claim they were abused should be believed before a trial.    Such hypocrites, I despise those people.  For the crimes that she has done in just the last 10 years, anyone of us would be locked up and never see a day outside the walls.

There was a teaser that dropped today for Deadpool 2, it was pretty funny but unless you can stop and play it back in slow mo you did not see a lot of the movie.  It was mostly a funny thing at the beginning honoring Bob Ross.  Check it, it will make you laugh a little maybe.

I am really tired but tomorrow I want to write on the status of conspiracy theories since the release of the JFK files.  I really do hope all of you have a great night or day, take care!


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