Pretty Good Day, Pain Level Low, Bill Gates And Belmont

Hello everyone, I am back.  So today has been pretty good, did not really do much, just wanted to get some rest.  It worked, I did not really do much since it was my birthday also, I guess it makes sense that my birthday outside was very gloomy, kinda matched how I felt since I have really bad seasonal depression.  But I made it through the day smiling at people, lying to them by telling them I am doing good if they ask.  I did go to watch Thor:Ragnarok today, again.  It was even better the second time, I guess because I was able to focus on certain things that I did not notice the first time.  Definitely a must see and my new Hollywood crush is Cate Blanchett. One thing I did get accomplished today was getting all my writings transfered over to the new Microsoft Word.  I have Office 365 and gotta say that so far I am liking it.  It is free for one year but I can renew and get like $20 off.  So a good day all around.

My pain level has stayed steady at a 7, have not had any flare ups either, so it has been pretty good.  Now when I did get out at the movie theater my legs tried to go out on me and that made it tough to get into my chair.  At the time my pain was starting to feel better but then that happened and then the pain started back in.  Oh well, I can handle it.

I guess Bill Gates has been busy recently buying an $80 million worth of land in Arizona to build a "smart city".  Now $80 million is a small amount to the second richest man in America and is not going to effect his gargantuan net worth at all.  But it is interesting, I would love to see the mock-ups of this smart city.  And I guess the picked named is going to be Belmont.  It will have space for 80,000 residents and 470 acres for schools or what not.  The area where Belmont will be built is west of Flagstaff and north of Arizona.  It will be cool to see what comes from it and if other cities will take ideas from the smart city.

Sorry for the short post but I am pretty tired.  I really hope you all have a great day or night, take care!


Anonymous said…
"Happy Birthday STEVEN"
Steven I would love to tell you I know how you feel,but I would never do that.We all have problems It's how we can deal with them.I think you are doing all you can for
yourself It's just most people don't know and they don't care.I do care and love you.You do know that there are many of us of do care and love you,just the way you are.cjd!

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