Ok Day, Another Rant, Welfare Cheaters
Hey everyone, I hope you all are well. So my day has been fairly uneventful, did not do a whole lot. I did go see my psych today and we went over my neuro-psych eval and I was just a little above average. I had a little problem with concentration and focus, no big deal though, she said it was understandable because of my health problems. But, that is the story of my life and just have to push through it. Do whatever I can and try to be a good person along the way, there are some times when that can be hard, like when I talk to uninformed people. Here is one rant topic I forgot to talk about yesterday.
One thing I have to rant about today is some of these uninformed liberals who do not try to learn anything and think they know it all. I have seen quite a few posts on social media calling for Congress to cut the funding of the NRA. If you all were not so self absorbed and afraid of guns, you would know that the NRA is not funded by the government, it is a private organization that relies on private investment to exist. So if you know that you are an uninformed liberal, please learn up about a few things before you shoot off your mouth. I used shoot very intentionally. Guns do not hurt people, people hurt people with a gun or other weapon or their hands. It is true that you can hurt with words but that is all it is, words.
I am sure a few of you may have heard about Rachel Dolezal, the woman that claimed to be black to try to lead the NAACP but was kicked out when it was revealed that she was in fact white. Well, she is now in the news again, for something not good, welfare fraud. First off, why was she on welfare? Welfare was created in 1935 by FDR who wanted to help out the poor, elderly and disabled, remember that he was disabled as well. The problem with welfare over the years is that dirty politicians got their hands in there and stole money from it, same with social security. Social Security was set up and in just ten years the pot was huge and by the 1960's, the politicians figured a way to take money from that program, basically they just screwed everything up, like usual. But this woman was a professor, head of the NAACP in Washington state, and she was trying to claim that she only brought in $500 a month, that really is bad. Then in 2017 she had a book published and made a lot of money off of that, at one time she had deposits of over $80,000 put into her bank account and was still claiming only $500 a month. This damn woman needs to go to jail and never be able to get on any government assistance again. The really bad thing about this, there are so many more people across the country doing something similair to get, what they call "free money". This needs to stop, give her the worst punishment by law. Here is an article on what she is accused of and a webpage for the history of welfare in America; Dumbass, Welfare history
Well, that is all for me tonight. I really hope all of you have a fabulous night or day, take care!
One thing I have to rant about today is some of these uninformed liberals who do not try to learn anything and think they know it all. I have seen quite a few posts on social media calling for Congress to cut the funding of the NRA. If you all were not so self absorbed and afraid of guns, you would know that the NRA is not funded by the government, it is a private organization that relies on private investment to exist. So if you know that you are an uninformed liberal, please learn up about a few things before you shoot off your mouth. I used shoot very intentionally. Guns do not hurt people, people hurt people with a gun or other weapon or their hands. It is true that you can hurt with words but that is all it is, words.
I am sure a few of you may have heard about Rachel Dolezal, the woman that claimed to be black to try to lead the NAACP but was kicked out when it was revealed that she was in fact white. Well, she is now in the news again, for something not good, welfare fraud. First off, why was she on welfare? Welfare was created in 1935 by FDR who wanted to help out the poor, elderly and disabled, remember that he was disabled as well. The problem with welfare over the years is that dirty politicians got their hands in there and stole money from it, same with social security. Social Security was set up and in just ten years the pot was huge and by the 1960's, the politicians figured a way to take money from that program, basically they just screwed everything up, like usual. But this woman was a professor, head of the NAACP in Washington state, and she was trying to claim that she only brought in $500 a month, that really is bad. Then in 2017 she had a book published and made a lot of money off of that, at one time she had deposits of over $80,000 put into her bank account and was still claiming only $500 a month. This damn woman needs to go to jail and never be able to get on any government assistance again. The really bad thing about this, there are so many more people across the country doing something similair to get, what they call "free money". This needs to stop, give her the worst punishment by law. Here is an article on what she is accused of and a webpage for the history of welfare in America; Dumbass, Welfare history
Well, that is all for me tonight. I really hope all of you have a fabulous night or day, take care!