Alright Day, Solo Good?, Basketball Debate
Hey everyone, hope you are or have had a good Monday. My day was alright, it was slow again for Uber but I did actually get a nap in, so that was nice. I also went back to Planet Fitness and worked out today, that felt good but I could tell I had not been there for awhile. Also, I started writing on my other blog again today but I am also trying to figure out how to get people to read it, I have not had one hit since I started and last week I stopped writing because I was down about that. But whatever, I just have to push through. So let me get into it.
Star Wars Day! So of course the big talk about Star Wars is Solo: A Star Wars Story. I have not seen this movie, I will watch it tomorrow and will write my review then. I have heard a lot of things about this movie, they range from; Awesome to uhhh, it's alright. Mostly I have heard that it is a serviceable Star Wars movie. Not great but it was an alright movie but I am not trying to let other people influence what I think of a movie. Guess I will find out tomorrow for myself. I will sure let you all know what I think of it.
Okay, I guess it is time for me to put my few cents in on this debate, one of the biggest in the sports world, who is the greatest of all time or GOAT in basketball. Of course this is a debate between one great and a really good player, Michael Jordan and LeBron James. I was very impressionable during the 1990's and that was the era of Jordan, who I think is the GOAT and there is no comparison, in my little opinion. First off, Jordan is undefeated in the NBA Finals, where James has only won 3 and lost 5. Jordan had a killer instinct during games, and always gave his all, even in regular season games. James is big about resting or not playing very hard in the regular season. Jordan played in an era where there were, pretty much, thugs out on the court there to hurt you, it was legal even if it was wrong. James flops like crazy and cries when he doesn't get a call and always cries to the refs. If I was to rank basketball players then it would go like this;
1. Michael Jordan
2. Larry Bird
3. Kareem Abdul Jabaar
4. Kobe Bryant
5. Bill Russell
6. Magic Johnson
7. Tim Duncan
8. Shaquille Oneal
9. Lebron James
Well, that is it for me tonight everyone. I really hope all of you have a great night or day, take care!
Star Wars Day! So of course the big talk about Star Wars is Solo: A Star Wars Story. I have not seen this movie, I will watch it tomorrow and will write my review then. I have heard a lot of things about this movie, they range from; Awesome to uhhh, it's alright. Mostly I have heard that it is a serviceable Star Wars movie. Not great but it was an alright movie but I am not trying to let other people influence what I think of a movie. Guess I will find out tomorrow for myself. I will sure let you all know what I think of it.
Okay, I guess it is time for me to put my few cents in on this debate, one of the biggest in the sports world, who is the greatest of all time or GOAT in basketball. Of course this is a debate between one great and a really good player, Michael Jordan and LeBron James. I was very impressionable during the 1990's and that was the era of Jordan, who I think is the GOAT and there is no comparison, in my little opinion. First off, Jordan is undefeated in the NBA Finals, where James has only won 3 and lost 5. Jordan had a killer instinct during games, and always gave his all, even in regular season games. James is big about resting or not playing very hard in the regular season. Jordan played in an era where there were, pretty much, thugs out on the court there to hurt you, it was legal even if it was wrong. James flops like crazy and cries when he doesn't get a call and always cries to the refs. If I was to rank basketball players then it would go like this;
1. Michael Jordan
2. Larry Bird
3. Kareem Abdul Jabaar
4. Kobe Bryant
5. Bill Russell
6. Magic Johnson
7. Tim Duncan
8. Shaquille Oneal
9. Lebron James
Well, that is it for me tonight everyone. I really hope all of you have a great night or day, take care!