More Friends, Alright Day, Stupid Movements, Down Scaling Troops
First off, I wish it would let me reply to people that leave comments on the blog. Somebody left a comment asking if we can be friends. Whomever that was, yes we can be, you can never have too many friends. Please write me back, if you found my blog through Facebook then message me there.
Okay everyone, I hope you all are well today. My day went alright, I did not do too much since I still wasn't feeling 100% but I stayed a little active. I had to go see my pain guy today to try do that test again for the pain pump, he feels like it was his fault for it not working the first time. I had this done today around 11 am but have not felt anything at all like I should feel. Remember I said that the medicine they used for the pain pump is morphine based and my body does not respond to morphine based pain medication. I'm just weird like that I guess. Well anyway, let me get into it.
It's a local day, so let me go find something to talk about around here. Humans, on the whole, do not totally think through something before they speak and this happens way too much. I for one think things through but I have spouted off before and when I was younger I got in trouble for it, like I should have. Apparently there is a rapper called 21 Savage, these names are so dumb, that has started a craze that is in the news for all the wrong reasons. Maybe this "musician" had good intentions but most of the time these ideas fail in ways you did not think of. He started a movement called "Guns down/Paintballs up". Does this guy know how paintballs are used? That paintballs are fired from a gun. Honestly this guy, 21 Savage, sounds like a complete moron. Now this trend is causing serious harm to people, I would not feel at all safe if I seen 12 year olds with paintball guns roaming the streets, if you are unprotected then a paintball shot can be very lethal. I have heard of stories where a kid got shot in his throat and he had to have surgery to repair it. So, the reason I am bring this up is because it has reached Columbia and people have been shot by someone driving a van, opening the side door and people shooting at random people. In the article it recounts one witness to the crime, one of the victims was reportedly a concealed carry permit holder and if he would have had his gun on him then things would have ended very badly. Here is the article so you can get the whole story;
Just ran across this article and thought I would talk about it. It is talking about that President Trump is ordering the Pentagon to lower our military presence there. South Korea has a very large military and can fend for itself, I think the numbers are over 600,00, that is a lot less than what we have here in America but that is a good amount for a country the size of South Korea. All of this was before I actually read the article. I learned through the article that the United States had 23,500 soldiers in the country that should be home or doing other missions for this country. Just like how I think we do not need to have all these foriegn military bases, more than 250,000 soldiers. I am not saying we should just shut down all these military bases but we should cut some that are not totally necessary. Just my couple of cents, all I can afford.
That's it for me tonight. I hope all of you have a wonderful night or day, take care!
Okay everyone, I hope you all are well today. My day went alright, I did not do too much since I still wasn't feeling 100% but I stayed a little active. I had to go see my pain guy today to try do that test again for the pain pump, he feels like it was his fault for it not working the first time. I had this done today around 11 am but have not felt anything at all like I should feel. Remember I said that the medicine they used for the pain pump is morphine based and my body does not respond to morphine based pain medication. I'm just weird like that I guess. Well anyway, let me get into it.
It's a local day, so let me go find something to talk about around here. Humans, on the whole, do not totally think through something before they speak and this happens way too much. I for one think things through but I have spouted off before and when I was younger I got in trouble for it, like I should have. Apparently there is a rapper called 21 Savage, these names are so dumb, that has started a craze that is in the news for all the wrong reasons. Maybe this "musician" had good intentions but most of the time these ideas fail in ways you did not think of. He started a movement called "Guns down/Paintballs up". Does this guy know how paintballs are used? That paintballs are fired from a gun. Honestly this guy, 21 Savage, sounds like a complete moron. Now this trend is causing serious harm to people, I would not feel at all safe if I seen 12 year olds with paintball guns roaming the streets, if you are unprotected then a paintball shot can be very lethal. I have heard of stories where a kid got shot in his throat and he had to have surgery to repair it. So, the reason I am bring this up is because it has reached Columbia and people have been shot by someone driving a van, opening the side door and people shooting at random people. In the article it recounts one witness to the crime, one of the victims was reportedly a concealed carry permit holder and if he would have had his gun on him then things would have ended very badly. Here is the article so you can get the whole story;
Just ran across this article and thought I would talk about it. It is talking about that President Trump is ordering the Pentagon to lower our military presence there. South Korea has a very large military and can fend for itself, I think the numbers are over 600,00, that is a lot less than what we have here in America but that is a good amount for a country the size of South Korea. All of this was before I actually read the article. I learned through the article that the United States had 23,500 soldiers in the country that should be home or doing other missions for this country. Just like how I think we do not need to have all these foriegn military bases, more than 250,000 soldiers. I am not saying we should just shut down all these military bases but we should cut some that are not totally necessary. Just my couple of cents, all I can afford.
That's it for me tonight. I hope all of you have a wonderful night or day, take care!