Good but Slow Day, Local Crap, Dumb Fat Dictator, Great Young Woman
Hey everyone, hope you all are great! So I didn't write last night because I was finishing up my history blog post for yesterday. By the time I was done with it I was extremely tired. I feel like it was a good post, go check it out. If you are having trouble finding it, let me know and I will get you in the right direction. So my day went well, although I have had some trouble driving for Uber, I only had one Uber ride today and one Lyft ride, since the graduation it has been pretty slow. That is alright except that I am not earning any money but I am sure it will get a little busier this weekend. So I guess I have saved a little on gas this week because of it, the price of gas has gone up a lot lately. Well, let me get into it.
It is a local day, let me find something to talk about that I really do not know much about. It is great that Columbia keeps extra money around just in case we need it for something. But, there is always a but, I still think that Columbia spends too much on parks in this city. Columbia, as of last count a few months back, has 97 parks in a city with a population of 120,000 or so. I think we have beautiful parks and I would like to keep them looking good, but not at the cost we use now. In the article that I read it has $800,000 being allocated to a certain park, just one, at such a high cost. I have to say that I do not use the parks all that much so why should I have to pay for them. I am a single guy with no kids so I could do without the parks. What we really need around here is more police and fire people, why do we not work towards that. Columbia is a growing city and you have to be prepared to do things that would help the most people out, not just a few. I feel really bad because I closed the article without saving it to add to here so I guess you will just have to take my word for it, unless you want to go through the trouble of finding it yourself.
So the little fat dictator in North Korea is throwing a temper tantrum and might cancel the talks next month because America has a planned war games with South Korea. Calm down, I don't want you to hurt yourself, actually I do want you to do that so go ahead and throw a huge one. I honestly do not care if President Trump has this meeting or not but I think President Trump put the two options on the table that the little fat one needs to take very seriously. Basically, the president has said to rocket man, and I am paraphrasing here, 'denuclearize or face and overthrow'. I think those are two very clear options for the fat one. I am sick of playing these games with the North Korean leaders, this can go one way or the other and I believe that President Trump will stick to his word, unlike our last president. Sorry, had to throw that one in there.
I am not going to write a whole lot about this next story but will add the article so you can read it yourself. I think this woman is very intelligent, brave and awesome for doing what she did, congrats from me. Keep up the good work!
Well, that is it for me tonight. I hope you all have a great night or day, take care!
It is a local day, let me find something to talk about that I really do not know much about. It is great that Columbia keeps extra money around just in case we need it for something. But, there is always a but, I still think that Columbia spends too much on parks in this city. Columbia, as of last count a few months back, has 97 parks in a city with a population of 120,000 or so. I think we have beautiful parks and I would like to keep them looking good, but not at the cost we use now. In the article that I read it has $800,000 being allocated to a certain park, just one, at such a high cost. I have to say that I do not use the parks all that much so why should I have to pay for them. I am a single guy with no kids so I could do without the parks. What we really need around here is more police and fire people, why do we not work towards that. Columbia is a growing city and you have to be prepared to do things that would help the most people out, not just a few. I feel really bad because I closed the article without saving it to add to here so I guess you will just have to take my word for it, unless you want to go through the trouble of finding it yourself.
So the little fat dictator in North Korea is throwing a temper tantrum and might cancel the talks next month because America has a planned war games with South Korea. Calm down, I don't want you to hurt yourself, actually I do want you to do that so go ahead and throw a huge one. I honestly do not care if President Trump has this meeting or not but I think President Trump put the two options on the table that the little fat one needs to take very seriously. Basically, the president has said to rocket man, and I am paraphrasing here, 'denuclearize or face and overthrow'. I think those are two very clear options for the fat one. I am sick of playing these games with the North Korean leaders, this can go one way or the other and I believe that President Trump will stick to his word, unlike our last president. Sorry, had to throw that one in there.
I am not going to write a whole lot about this next story but will add the article so you can read it yourself. I think this woman is very intelligent, brave and awesome for doing what she did, congrats from me. Keep up the good work!
Well, that is it for me tonight. I hope you all have a great night or day, take care!