Lost Days, Deadpool 2 Spoiler Free Review, Bad People Running for Office, Weird Animals

Hello all, hope you are great!  I cannot believe I have forgot about the days lately, I totally forgot that today was Friday for some reason, guess I lost Thursday somewhere.  So I forgot to write my Friday post on my History in a Chair blog, damn.  Oh well, guess I will write one tomorrow.  So my day today, it has went good, except for Uber, which has been slow.  I did go watch Deadpool 2 today and will leave a spoiler free review in this post.  So, let me get into it.

Deadpool 2 spoiler free review.  It was a good, funny movie, better than the first one by far.  The first movie seemed, to me at least, to have too many stupid jokes put in just to be there thinking that the audience wanted those there.  What the audience wants is a better story or plot, which I think this movie gave a little bit more of that than the first one.  This one did have some crude humor but it did not seem as out of place as they were in the first movie.  There were some cameos and intros that I was pretty excited for and cannot wait to see where this universe builds to.  The upcoming X-Force movie will look a little different than what a lot of us thought but I will not say why since this is spoiler free.  The surprise villain did show up in this movie, there were many rumors over who it could be and I think they picked a really good one to portray.  There was one character that I thought would have a bigger part in the movie but I guess not, it was a good swerve to fans out there.  Of course there are plenty of fourth wall breaks and pop culture references but they do seem to flow with the movie and are not just placed in there for the sake of it.  I would recommend watching this, it was fun.

I am very unsure about how this election is going down in Iraq.  On one hand I am very proud that they are having free and fair elections but on the other I hate that a former leading Islamic terrorist is probably going to win the seat of Prime Minister, although after reading the article I found out that he cannot become Prime Minister since he did not run.  Foreign elections are hard.  I have not read a whole lot on this situation but I do not think he should be eligible for running for public office.  That would be like letting someone run in America that is a convicted felon, just doesn't feel right.  But then again Hilary Clinton ran for office and she has done felonious deeds.  Oh, by the way, his name is Moqtada al Sadr and it was his political block that won the most seats, guess we will have to watch to see what happens. 

So, there is a new thought out there that octopuses are basically alien in origin, like aliens from outer space stuff.  It falls in line with the whole panspermia thinking, that a meteor or asteroid crashed into Earth millions of years ago and basically planted seeds for life to grow.  When I was young and dumb, some might think I am still dumb, I believed this line of thinking and even came forward to some people about it but I was totally shut down for it.  Now it seems that there are a few scientist that do believe that this could be possible in an octopus, because the genetic makeup of those animals are so great to have been breed on Earth.  Now this theory can go really deep and if you want to read about it then I will post this article to get you started but I have since moved away from that line of thinking.  We all grow up and change our minds, here is that article; https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/octopus-aliens-scientists-theory-meteors-space-earth-cambrian-explosion-a8358631.html

Well, that is it for me tonight.  I really hope that you all have a wonderful day or night, take care!


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