Good Day, Hannibals Revenge, Stupid Liberals

Hey everyone, hope your day is going good.  My day has been good, I did not do too much but it was nice and relaxing.  I had a good appointment with my endocronologist, I had asked her about weight loss while being on steroids for almost 20 years.  It is tough because steroids just make you want to eat all the time.  You have to balance things out really well and I need to start prepping my meals better.  That is something I need to look into.  I may not have mentioned this but my first history blog is up on, all you need to do is hit where it says 'blog'.  Just another shameful plug from me.  I am writing on there every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Let me get into it.

It's a history day.  I am going to talk about another one of my favorite people from history, Hannibal.  Not Hannibal Lector, even though that was a good series of movies, but Hannibal Barca, the man that marched elephants across the Alps to attack the Roman Republic.  He was the leader of Carthage when they were facing Rome during the Second Punic War.  Hannibal was a little upset with Rome when his father was killed during the First Punic War and wanted to get some payback.  Hannibal has been remembered as one of the finest military commanders in history and his tactics are still being studied when he defeated the Romans at three battles in Italy.  From everything I have learned, read or heard about Hannibal; I really wonder why when he had invaded Italy he did not go straight to Rome after the either the first or second battle.  From what I know, after the second battle, Rome was very weakened and should have been a perfect target.  But that is in hindsight, I am sure he had a master plan to wear Rome down before going for the death blow.  He ended up spending around 15 years in Italy beating Rome at every turn.  But the Roman generals were pretty smart as well and went after Carthage in North Africa and forced Hannibal to return home to defend his city but it was too little too late since he lost to Rome.  He is remembered as one of the greatest military commanders, especially in antiquity.  I think he should be remembered as the great leader he was and I think Hollywood should make a movie where Hannibal is the main antagonist. 

Ok, I have to rant a little and please bare with me.  The happenings over in Israel and Gaza are getting talked about and some people are being really stupid about this.  I was out a lot today and listened to political talk radio and the liberals were really dumb.  I honestly hate the liberal media for what they said.  They were talking about all the Palestinians that had died during the conflict and were upset that there were no Israeli deaths, many of them seemed like it would be better if there were Israeli soldiers that died.  But then they talk about how the Palestinians were protesting peacefully and saying that the Palestinians were just throwing rocks, not true, they were placing homemade bombs at the border and starting fires so the snipers cannot seem them do this.  They were setting those bombs up to hurt people and nothing more so I think Israel is justified.  If Mexicans were setting bombs along the United States border, I would hope we go in with force.  Plus I seen that an 8 month old baby died from breathing in tear gas and of course the liberals think this is just terrible, why was an 8 month old baby even there, those parents should be killed.  Sorry, I know that was a little harsh but those parents obviously did not care about their baby, so why not.  I really wish the liberals would wake up.

Well, that is it for me tonight.  I hope all of you have a fantastic day or night, take care. 


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