Good Day, Hulk Vs. Wolverine, Book Update, Leave the Statues Alone, New Terror Organizations

Hey there all, I hope the middle of your week is great!  So my day was good, got invited to a Friendsgiving tomorrow and had a good workout.  The Friendsgiving is at my friend Kat's place, I've known her since we were teenagers back in the 90's and there will be a few others there that could make things uncomfortable for me because they are ex's but hopefully nothing major happens.  It'll be a good time no matter what.  My workout was good, I worked on biceps, triceps and back today.  Lately I have been throwing in a third area to work on because if I only do two then I can get that done pretty fast so I throw in a third to get a little more time at the gym.  Man, people in this town are so horrible at driving and most of it is because they play with their phones all the time.  Luckily I have hand controls and can stop a little faster than using my feet.  Also, they like to ride their brakes while going down a bigger hill.  My town is very hilly and not a whole lot of straight and flat ways around town.  And yes, I do still have road rage but it's pretty good, controlled.  Well, let me get to it!

MCU Day!  Today I watched a video talking about the subject I am going to talk about here but I won't add that video, I have an article to add.  It has to do with what Mark Ruffalo wants to do with the Hulk character after the Infinity Saga and since he did survive, albeit with a messed up arm, he will be back in some form in the MCU.  Him and king Kevin Feige did some talking about what and where to add the Hulk, one option would be She-Hulk which I think is a no brainier but another one some people want to know about is the classic Hulk vs. Wolverine storyline.  We did not get any confirmation of that taking place in the meeting but that doesn't mean that Feige will not want to add something to that later on, Ruffalo still has plenty of time to play that character since Hulk is mostly screen capture anyway now.  We have heard the possibility that Wolverine and the other X-Men will be introduced through Deadpool 3.  If that is the case then the earliest we could see Hulk vs. Wolverine would be 2023, probably.  The dates are set in stone but we do not know what movies will be filling those dates yet.  Of course there is rampant speculation going on about that now.  But, here is that article;

Book update time.  So I am getting closer to finishing my book and have really started to think about how to publish it.  I have been leaning more towards self publishing it because I do not have the money to pay to have it published through a publishing company like iUniverse or Page Publishing, at least not yet.  I have like 33 pages, that's Microsoft Word pages and I'm not sure how many book pages that is, and a little more than 18,000 words.  So we will see soon if I can publish myself, I'm doing all kinds of research on this right now.  So that's my update, now back to it!

This article has some lawyer speak in it and is kinda hard to follow, I just gave up and am going to give my opinion on the overall case.  It's about a Confederate statue in Birmingham in Alabama and the covering up of the base of the statue that had some "inflammatory words" on it.  I do not think that these statues or their wordings should be covered up at all because the people doing this are trying to erase our history.  It's all because of these people that say they get offended by this, the so called snowflakes and leftist that just need something to bitch about.  It seems that the left only care about hate now, not eradicating it but spreading it and just being upset about anything to get attention, it's like the teen that cries that they are going to commit suicide, if they really were going to kill themselves they wouldn't be talking about it and it's just a cry for attention or help or both.  I am so tired of those people.  Leave our historical statues alone, yes it may have been about a hard time in our history but we need those around to remind us of what could happen so we can avoid it in the future.  Please, stop this;  Here is that article, good luck keeping up;

This is something I like from our president, to label Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations, something that should have been done a long time ago.  Of course the Mexican president says he doesn't want our help and is basically turning a blind eye to the cartels, the thinks he can win with giving out hugs.  Sounds more like former President Obama to me, thinking we just need to talk to them more.  Give me a break, all these people know is violence, so in this case we need to meet violence with violence.  Talking is not going to do a damn thing.  One way to overcome this is legalize drugs, at least decriminalize it so we are not putting people in prison for having a little bit of weed on themselves.  By doing this we can better combat those that wish to do harm to innocents, good job.  Here is that article;

I want to leave with just a little thing here.  I will soon be making some changes on my blog like adding pictures and other things, because as some of you may know, I want to start making a little bit of money from doing this.  I might be putting ads up, only ones that correspond with what I am writing about, so I might change what and how I write a little also.  Just wanted to let you all know before I did anything.

Well, that's all I have for you this evening.  I really hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!


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