Good Day, Different Outcome, New Dates, Bringing Back the Curtain
Hey there everyone, hopefully the end of your week is great, it's finally here! My day has been pretty well. I made it to the gym and had a good quick workout. I was there for just under an hour and mostly worked on biceps and triceps, I didn't do any floor work today though. I also went to my doctors office to sign some stuff so my records could be sent over to a prospective pain doc. I had talked to this guy before when he was at Boone hospital and he told me that the strongest thing he would be able to get me was percocet. That is many steps lower than what I am on now, dilaudid, but since he is now out on his own he might be able to help. After doing that I got home and didn't do much else. So let me get into it!
Alternate History Day! JFK was a very loved president and many people wish that he would have lived. There have been many different alternate histories about what would have happened if he was not assassinated. Some people write that he would have been hailed as a hero by not pushing the Vietnam war like LBJ did. Others write how he would have been seen as a terrible president because of him starting WWIII with the Cuban Missile Crisis. I think the first idea would have played out and then his brother would have won the 1968 presidential race and we would have not had Nixon and Watergate. Think how that would have played out in today's world, people probably would not be as against politics as they are and would probably embrace it. There would probably be more people voting than we have now, we can barely get over 50% in any election anymore, even for local elections and presidential elections. Here a list were I got this from, it has some other good alternate histories, this was the one I wanted to talk about;
This is pretty big news, Marvel has announced some new release dates out for some upcoming movies. The may not have put the movie names to these dates but we can all speculate since there are a lot of things that could come out for them. One thing I really like from all this is that Marvel has four dates for 2022 and 2023. So that makes 8 movies in those two years, what could they be. We hope that one date in 2022 is the Fantastic Four movie, then there is Deadpool 3, Guardians 3 and even the X-Men plus Blade, Thor: Love and Thunder and more. Cannot wait, it's a good time to be a nerd. Here is that article;
Ultimately I think this is a good thing but not if Medicare for All comes about because Medicare does not negotiate. The don't negotiate with pharmaceutical companies to get lower drug prices and just take what is given. I have thought for a long time that this is something Medicare has to do to help Americans. If Medicare for All is passed, which I am very against, they would need to negotiate with hospitals along with drug companies. So I think they need to start negotiating now to get ready because it looks as if something like Medicare for All is going to be passed within the next 10 years or so. I think it would be a good thing for hospitals to reveal their prices for different kind of procedures. Here is an article that talks about this;
That's it for me tonight. I really hope you all do have a great weekend, take care!
Alternate History Day! JFK was a very loved president and many people wish that he would have lived. There have been many different alternate histories about what would have happened if he was not assassinated. Some people write that he would have been hailed as a hero by not pushing the Vietnam war like LBJ did. Others write how he would have been seen as a terrible president because of him starting WWIII with the Cuban Missile Crisis. I think the first idea would have played out and then his brother would have won the 1968 presidential race and we would have not had Nixon and Watergate. Think how that would have played out in today's world, people probably would not be as against politics as they are and would probably embrace it. There would probably be more people voting than we have now, we can barely get over 50% in any election anymore, even for local elections and presidential elections. Here a list were I got this from, it has some other good alternate histories, this was the one I wanted to talk about;
This is pretty big news, Marvel has announced some new release dates out for some upcoming movies. The may not have put the movie names to these dates but we can all speculate since there are a lot of things that could come out for them. One thing I really like from all this is that Marvel has four dates for 2022 and 2023. So that makes 8 movies in those two years, what could they be. We hope that one date in 2022 is the Fantastic Four movie, then there is Deadpool 3, Guardians 3 and even the X-Men plus Blade, Thor: Love and Thunder and more. Cannot wait, it's a good time to be a nerd. Here is that article;
Ultimately I think this is a good thing but not if Medicare for All comes about because Medicare does not negotiate. The don't negotiate with pharmaceutical companies to get lower drug prices and just take what is given. I have thought for a long time that this is something Medicare has to do to help Americans. If Medicare for All is passed, which I am very against, they would need to negotiate with hospitals along with drug companies. So I think they need to start negotiating now to get ready because it looks as if something like Medicare for All is going to be passed within the next 10 years or so. I think it would be a good thing for hospitals to reveal their prices for different kind of procedures. Here is an article that talks about this;
That's it for me tonight. I really hope you all do have a great weekend, take care!