Driving Day, What Happened Today, Dating with Issues, Different Party, New Show?, Changes Coming
Hey there all, I hope things are going great! Well, my day has been pretty good, kinda busy but good nonetheless. Got to hangout with a friend and her kids but they always keep me busy. My friend was in an accident, she and the kids are alright, a guy was speeding and hit her on the front end of her vehicle. I took her to the hospital, took the boys to go get something to eat while she got looked at and then took the oldest to preschool. I have a little trouble getting the youngest into his car seat, I have to stand up and I am not the greatest at that. I am probably going to need to help her out for a little while, giving her rides and stuff like that. Oh well, just a full day and I didn't even make it to the gym today. That is fine, my goal was to make the gym at least 4 days a week and I can still make it to four days since I already went on Monday. So it will be simple to make it three more days this week. Not much else went on today, so let me go on and get to it!
History Day! So I am going to talk about a few things that happened today in history, March 12th. The first thing I want to talk about is an impeachment, something people want to do to President Trump, the first impeachment was started on this day in 1868 against President Andrew Johnson who took over after the assassination of President Lincoln. He ultimitaly was not impeached by the full congress, only the House of Representatives was successful in impeaching the president, the Senate could not get the full two-thirds support to remove him. Almost 100 years before that last one, in 1773 the second city of America was founded, Chicago. Nobody back then even had an inkling that by the early 21st century the city would be one of the most deadly to live in. Sorry but that is all I have for History Day today, mind just wasn't working all that great.
I found something kinda interesting on Yahoo earlier, a woman talking about how hard it is to date with a serious health condition. The condition she has is MS, which is a serious condition but luckily there are many treatments out there for people suffering with this issue. It is interesting to me since I am dating with some serious health conditions. When she was given the diagnoses she was worried that no person would love her, I think that is taking it a little far thinking that no man will ever love her once she was given the bad news but I am sure she is not the first person that were diagnosed with MS to think this. That she was unlovable by any man, I think her thought was done as a knee-jerk reaction and was not thought out too much. I mean, as someone who has a few different health problems that does effect the way I deal with any relationships, especially with emotional relationships. I have never had a thought like this cross my mind through any of my health scares, this was not something that I worried much about because I know that there are people out there that are empathetic and capable of giving love to someone who is struggling with any kind of health scare. I know that there are people out there capable of loving people that are in my situation, I just have had a horrible track record of finding that person. Guess I am also a little jealous that she was able to write a book about her troubles of finding someone while living with MS, I could write a book about my issues as well probably but it would be a little too sad for some people to read as there are instances of things that have happened since I have gotten in the wheelchair that some people would think are really rude and there are some rude things I have had to deal with. Since getting in the wheelchair I have had to deal with a lot of ignorant people of both sexes and it is easier, at least for me, when it comes from a guy than from a woman, mostly because I can beat up a man and it is always kind of funny when an able-bodied gets beat up by a guy in a wheelchair. I like to play pool and I would always tell people I play that there is no way they can really win with me because if they beat me then other people will be upset with them for beating someone in a wheelchair and if I win then people might make fun of you for losing to a guy in a wheelchair. You gotta have a good attitude when faced with stuff like this.
Quick thought here, I think there is something big happening to one of the political parties in this country, the democrats. As we have seen in the past few months, there are many democrats that are leaning all the way left into socialism. Some of the more radical democrats are even attacking capitalism, thinking that socialism is a much better economic strategy. Mostly, AOC is the one calling for this change and to end capitalism. Socialism is a horrible system of anything and I really hope that this is just a fad and goes away soon. If you would like to debate me on this issue, then please, let's talk about this. Let me know of one country that has successfully implemented this form of government or economic system.
When I was younger and reading comics, one of my favorite ones to read were the What If...? comics and story lines. It sounds as if when the Disney+ steaming service gets going that there may we a show centered around that comic. I think this could be really fun, especially since Marvel will be getting all of it's characters back and that sounds like it could happen really soon. The deal could be done by the end of this month, that is what I have heard lately. If it happens before Engame, which comes out on April 26thk then I think there could be an end credit scene that sets up either the X-Men, just Wolverine or even the fist family of Marvel, the Fantastic Four. I cannot wait and almost with I could sleep until April 2th since I am going to watch the premiere. Here is an article about this; https://io9.gizmodo.com/report-marvels-plans-for-disney-could-include-an-anim-1833231667
So, just want to end this post with talking about some changes I might be making here soon. As some of you know, I have ended my failed experiment with History in a Chair. It did not work, I could not get people to come read my posts and I was not having a good time with it. That is one of the more important things to understand, that you have to enjoy what you are doing to make it worthwhile. I was not, it felt like a deadline, something I had to do. But anyway, I might be moving Steven in a Chair to a different place but I will be giving you all hopefully enough time to reaslize this,as it will not be something I do overnight but I have to plan it out right. I want the blog to look like this one is now, not too serious. So, be on the look out for that to come within probably the next month or so.
Well, that is all I have for the night. I really do hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care!
History Day! So I am going to talk about a few things that happened today in history, March 12th. The first thing I want to talk about is an impeachment, something people want to do to President Trump, the first impeachment was started on this day in 1868 against President Andrew Johnson who took over after the assassination of President Lincoln. He ultimitaly was not impeached by the full congress, only the House of Representatives was successful in impeaching the president, the Senate could not get the full two-thirds support to remove him. Almost 100 years before that last one, in 1773 the second city of America was founded, Chicago. Nobody back then even had an inkling that by the early 21st century the city would be one of the most deadly to live in. Sorry but that is all I have for History Day today, mind just wasn't working all that great.
I found something kinda interesting on Yahoo earlier, a woman talking about how hard it is to date with a serious health condition. The condition she has is MS, which is a serious condition but luckily there are many treatments out there for people suffering with this issue. It is interesting to me since I am dating with some serious health conditions. When she was given the diagnoses she was worried that no person would love her, I think that is taking it a little far thinking that no man will ever love her once she was given the bad news but I am sure she is not the first person that were diagnosed with MS to think this. That she was unlovable by any man, I think her thought was done as a knee-jerk reaction and was not thought out too much. I mean, as someone who has a few different health problems that does effect the way I deal with any relationships, especially with emotional relationships. I have never had a thought like this cross my mind through any of my health scares, this was not something that I worried much about because I know that there are people out there that are empathetic and capable of giving love to someone who is struggling with any kind of health scare. I know that there are people out there capable of loving people that are in my situation, I just have had a horrible track record of finding that person. Guess I am also a little jealous that she was able to write a book about her troubles of finding someone while living with MS, I could write a book about my issues as well probably but it would be a little too sad for some people to read as there are instances of things that have happened since I have gotten in the wheelchair that some people would think are really rude and there are some rude things I have had to deal with. Since getting in the wheelchair I have had to deal with a lot of ignorant people of both sexes and it is easier, at least for me, when it comes from a guy than from a woman, mostly because I can beat up a man and it is always kind of funny when an able-bodied gets beat up by a guy in a wheelchair. I like to play pool and I would always tell people I play that there is no way they can really win with me because if they beat me then other people will be upset with them for beating someone in a wheelchair and if I win then people might make fun of you for losing to a guy in a wheelchair. You gotta have a good attitude when faced with stuff like this.
Quick thought here, I think there is something big happening to one of the political parties in this country, the democrats. As we have seen in the past few months, there are many democrats that are leaning all the way left into socialism. Some of the more radical democrats are even attacking capitalism, thinking that socialism is a much better economic strategy. Mostly, AOC is the one calling for this change and to end capitalism. Socialism is a horrible system of anything and I really hope that this is just a fad and goes away soon. If you would like to debate me on this issue, then please, let's talk about this. Let me know of one country that has successfully implemented this form of government or economic system.
When I was younger and reading comics, one of my favorite ones to read were the What If...? comics and story lines. It sounds as if when the Disney+ steaming service gets going that there may we a show centered around that comic. I think this could be really fun, especially since Marvel will be getting all of it's characters back and that sounds like it could happen really soon. The deal could be done by the end of this month, that is what I have heard lately. If it happens before Engame, which comes out on April 26thk then I think there could be an end credit scene that sets up either the X-Men, just Wolverine or even the fist family of Marvel, the Fantastic Four. I cannot wait and almost with I could sleep until April 2th since I am going to watch the premiere. Here is an article about this; https://io9.gizmodo.com/report-marvels-plans-for-disney-could-include-an-anim-1833231667
So, just want to end this post with talking about some changes I might be making here soon. As some of you know, I have ended my failed experiment with History in a Chair. It did not work, I could not get people to come read my posts and I was not having a good time with it. That is one of the more important things to understand, that you have to enjoy what you are doing to make it worthwhile. I was not, it felt like a deadline, something I had to do. But anyway, I might be moving Steven in a Chair to a different place but I will be giving you all hopefully enough time to reaslize this,as it will not be something I do overnight but I have to plan it out right. I want the blog to look like this one is now, not too serious. So, be on the look out for that to come within probably the next month or so.
Well, that is all I have for the night. I really do hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care!