Warmer Weather, Shutdowns, Useless Laws, American Tragedy
Hey there all, hope things are great! My day wasn't too bad, it was a little warm here and my nose now hates me because it keeps running. So warm weather is nice but now I have to keep taking an expectorant all the time to keep my nose from running like a faucet. I also got an invite for an open interview tomorrow at a place a little outside of Columbia called Midway USA, the are a company that deals in outdoor equipment and hunting stuff. The job is a part time warehouse job. I am going to call in the morning and see if I can actually do the job while in my wheelchair. What the job description said online didn't say anything that I couldn't do. Time to get to it!
History Day! So, big thing right now is the partial government shutdown and I will talk a little about the longest one on record. The longest one, since 1976 was 21 days and it lasted from Dec. 16th 1995 to Jan. 5 1996. Three weeks, now we are getting close to that as we are at 17 days as of now and it seems it could go on for awhile. Bill Clinton was president at the time and the other party controlled both houses of Congress so he had to comprimise on a balance budget agreement, that didn't really work itself out though. I would like to see the shutdown end soon but nothing is up to me. I do think something needs to be done with the southern border but I don't think this is the way to go about it. Hopefully things will work themselves out. Here is an article on this; https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/03/politics/government-shutdown-length-trnd/index.html
Another useless law that democrats are backing, wanting to expand background checks on guns. They don't seem to understand the simple fact, criminals do not follow laws. All this will do is delay a United States citizen from purchasing a firearm, at least for a time. I do not understand why the democrats keep going after this constitutional right that the American people have. If you do not want to own a firearm then just don't buy one, it's that simple really. The party needs to quit this train of thought, it doesn't help anyone. Here is an article on this; https://www.wsj.com/articles/democrats-to-introduce-bill-expanding-background-checks-on-gun-sales-11546959600
This is such a shame, Sears was such a staple in America since 1893 and is now going under. Worse part about it, there isn't much else that can be done about it. The company gets to live on for at least one more week after the chairman, Edward Lampert, is try to keep the business going. Otherwise it will be sold off piecemeal. The Sears store that was here in Columbia closed down last July, it was an anchor store in the Columbia Mall. It's a little sad seeing that wing of the mall shut down and not having anything there. Sadly I think the mall will be left behind in about 10 years or so, maybe before as people are buying more online. Here is an article talking about it; https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/08/business/sears-bankruptcy-auction.html
Well, that is it for me tonight. I really hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care!
History Day! So, big thing right now is the partial government shutdown and I will talk a little about the longest one on record. The longest one, since 1976 was 21 days and it lasted from Dec. 16th 1995 to Jan. 5 1996. Three weeks, now we are getting close to that as we are at 17 days as of now and it seems it could go on for awhile. Bill Clinton was president at the time and the other party controlled both houses of Congress so he had to comprimise on a balance budget agreement, that didn't really work itself out though. I would like to see the shutdown end soon but nothing is up to me. I do think something needs to be done with the southern border but I don't think this is the way to go about it. Hopefully things will work themselves out. Here is an article on this; https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/03/politics/government-shutdown-length-trnd/index.html
Another useless law that democrats are backing, wanting to expand background checks on guns. They don't seem to understand the simple fact, criminals do not follow laws. All this will do is delay a United States citizen from purchasing a firearm, at least for a time. I do not understand why the democrats keep going after this constitutional right that the American people have. If you do not want to own a firearm then just don't buy one, it's that simple really. The party needs to quit this train of thought, it doesn't help anyone. Here is an article on this; https://www.wsj.com/articles/democrats-to-introduce-bill-expanding-background-checks-on-gun-sales-11546959600
This is such a shame, Sears was such a staple in America since 1893 and is now going under. Worse part about it, there isn't much else that can be done about it. The company gets to live on for at least one more week after the chairman, Edward Lampert, is try to keep the business going. Otherwise it will be sold off piecemeal. The Sears store that was here in Columbia closed down last July, it was an anchor store in the Columbia Mall. It's a little sad seeing that wing of the mall shut down and not having anything there. Sadly I think the mall will be left behind in about 10 years or so, maybe before as people are buying more online. Here is an article talking about it; https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/08/business/sears-bankruptcy-auction.html
Well, that is it for me tonight. I really hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care!