Tiring Monday, History Instead of Star Wars, Same Thing, Disability History
Hey there all, I hope the start of your week is going well! My Monday has been alright, I mostly stayed home, didn't really feel all that good today. It started yesterday when I threw up around 3 or so, all I had to eat up to then was a bowl of oatmeal and some pudding, as soon as I ate the pudding it all came out the way it came. I did not feel good after that and went to bed early last night because of it, I fell asleep around 7:30. After getting up today my stomach felt really sour or a little worse and have had a very bad taste in the back of my mouth and throat. Plus it was cold today and over the weekend we got about 18 inches of snow. It did not get warm enough today to melt any of the snow but it is supposed to get warm tomorrow though. Only problem with the snow melting, at night it will just refreeze and make some more problems. People around here are nuts, we get snow regularly and people act like it is the first time they have ever seen it and don't remember how to drive in it, so stupid. All you have to do is slow down and pay attention. So, let me get to it!
Instead of doing a Star Wars Day I will be including a History Day on Monday and tomorrow I will do some Star Wars Day stuff. This is a story I had run across and wanted to share it with you. It deals with a Korean man named Yang Kyoungjong who was a soldier for all sides during WWII, the only man that fought for the Japanese, the Russians, the Germans and the Americans. Pretty crazy life really and I will keep this short but add a website where you can learn even more about the man. Let's start with the story of Korea years before WWII, Korea was taken over by the Japanese way back in 1910 when Japan was into taking over all the areas in the Pacific they could. When Japan took Korea over, they forced many men of a certain age to join to military. During one of the fights between the Japanese and the Russians, Yang was taken prisoner by the Russians. Eventually Yang was taken back west to fight the German Wehrmacht when Germany was pushing into Russia. He was captured by the Germans and forced to fight with the Wehrmacht. Towards the end of WWII he was captured by the Allies, said to be the Americans but was not forced to become a soldier. This man was taken all over the place, from Korea to Germany. Now I do need to say that this is not pure fact, it could have been fabricated but it is an amazing story nonetheless. I believe that something like this could happen to someone, knowing the countries involved. Here is a website where you can read more into this story; https://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/korean-soldier-fights-multiple-armies-wwii.html
Why does this keep happening, it seems like once a month this comes up. People getting sick on a cruise ship. It is easy to see why a communicable illness can spread easily on a cruise but why it happens is the bigger thing, I think. In the article I am going to share they try to explain it away really easy but I think there is more to this. Not trying to get all conspiracy theory guy on you with this but I think there might be more to it than what they say. I used to want to take a cruise but not so sure now. Here is that article; https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/cruise-ship-turn-around-500-people-got-sick-keep-happening-cruises-165203545.html
I found a really cool site and resource for disability history and has a timeline for important things that have come up in disability history, starting in the 1700's. Here is the article, all you have to do to check things out is click on the years and it will pull something up for you to look at. Here is that site; http://www.ncld-youth.info/index.php?id=61
Well, that is all for me tonight. I do hope that all of you have a wonderful day or night, take care!
Instead of doing a Star Wars Day I will be including a History Day on Monday and tomorrow I will do some Star Wars Day stuff. This is a story I had run across and wanted to share it with you. It deals with a Korean man named Yang Kyoungjong who was a soldier for all sides during WWII, the only man that fought for the Japanese, the Russians, the Germans and the Americans. Pretty crazy life really and I will keep this short but add a website where you can learn even more about the man. Let's start with the story of Korea years before WWII, Korea was taken over by the Japanese way back in 1910 when Japan was into taking over all the areas in the Pacific they could. When Japan took Korea over, they forced many men of a certain age to join to military. During one of the fights between the Japanese and the Russians, Yang was taken prisoner by the Russians. Eventually Yang was taken back west to fight the German Wehrmacht when Germany was pushing into Russia. He was captured by the Germans and forced to fight with the Wehrmacht. Towards the end of WWII he was captured by the Allies, said to be the Americans but was not forced to become a soldier. This man was taken all over the place, from Korea to Germany. Now I do need to say that this is not pure fact, it could have been fabricated but it is an amazing story nonetheless. I believe that something like this could happen to someone, knowing the countries involved. Here is a website where you can read more into this story; https://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/korean-soldier-fights-multiple-armies-wwii.html
Why does this keep happening, it seems like once a month this comes up. People getting sick on a cruise ship. It is easy to see why a communicable illness can spread easily on a cruise but why it happens is the bigger thing, I think. In the article I am going to share they try to explain it away really easy but I think there is more to this. Not trying to get all conspiracy theory guy on you with this but I think there might be more to it than what they say. I used to want to take a cruise but not so sure now. Here is that article; https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/cruise-ship-turn-around-500-people-got-sick-keep-happening-cruises-165203545.html
I found a really cool site and resource for disability history and has a timeline for important things that have come up in disability history, starting in the 1700's. Here is the article, all you have to do to check things out is click on the years and it will pull something up for you to look at. Here is that site; http://www.ncld-youth.info/index.php?id=61
Well, that is all for me tonight. I do hope that all of you have a wonderful day or night, take care!