Feeling a Little Better, Strong Luke, Let His Body Come to Us, Caravan and Tear Gas
Hey there, I hope you all are having a great Monday! Well, I am doing a little better, probably not at 100 but more like 90, so pretty close to normal. Stomach is still feeling a little off but no longer feel like I will get sick or anything so that's good.
Star War Day! There has been so much talk recently about Luke showing up in Episode IX lately and I believe that he will be in the movie but what some are thinking he is doing is a little much. Some fans think that Skywalker will be the most powerful Jedi that has ever been seen on screens or written about in books. I would love to see Luke come back and start chopping wood like crazy against his enemies but I don't think that is what will happen, at least until we get some new info. I do think he will be back as a force ghost to help Rey out with stuff and that we will probably get more than one flashback scenes focusing on Luke. Here is an article talking about what they think Luke will be, spoilers could be ahead; https://geektyrant.com/news/heres-a-new-rumor-about-luke-in-star-wars-episode-ix
That missionary and getting his body back. I do not think that Indian police or anyone should try to go get his body, that would only put others at risk, not just police officers but also the natives. You could give some native the flu or some other modern ailment that they do not have a natural protection against and it could spread within the tribe and could kill every native on that island. If the natives dump his body in the water so it would float to someone in nearby India then that should be the only way we should recover his body. No person on this planet had told him to go to the island and convert the natives over to Christianity so no person should try to get his body back, I feel sorry for the family but their loved one was a few screws loose and probably needed help before and it looks as if he was failed by others. This is just a horrible situation all the way around.
That caravan of migrants have arrived at the southern border and tried to cross illegaly so the American forces there had to stop them and fired tear gas the large groups of mostly men. Yes, there were some women there with children but it was not the fault of the Border Control, it is the fault of these women bringing their children into a very bad situation. Those people should not even be parents of any children. This is the same thing that terrorists do over in the middle east, they hide behind women and children. Here is an article about this, also about President Obama sprayed migrants but it was fine when he done it, shows how biased these idiots in the news are; https://www.foxnews.com/politics/obama-agents-pepper-sprayed-migrants-history-challenges-caravan-response-outrage
Well, that is it for me tonight. I hope all of you have a great night or day, take care!
Star War Day! There has been so much talk recently about Luke showing up in Episode IX lately and I believe that he will be in the movie but what some are thinking he is doing is a little much. Some fans think that Skywalker will be the most powerful Jedi that has ever been seen on screens or written about in books. I would love to see Luke come back and start chopping wood like crazy against his enemies but I don't think that is what will happen, at least until we get some new info. I do think he will be back as a force ghost to help Rey out with stuff and that we will probably get more than one flashback scenes focusing on Luke. Here is an article talking about what they think Luke will be, spoilers could be ahead; https://geektyrant.com/news/heres-a-new-rumor-about-luke-in-star-wars-episode-ix
That missionary and getting his body back. I do not think that Indian police or anyone should try to go get his body, that would only put others at risk, not just police officers but also the natives. You could give some native the flu or some other modern ailment that they do not have a natural protection against and it could spread within the tribe and could kill every native on that island. If the natives dump his body in the water so it would float to someone in nearby India then that should be the only way we should recover his body. No person on this planet had told him to go to the island and convert the natives over to Christianity so no person should try to get his body back, I feel sorry for the family but their loved one was a few screws loose and probably needed help before and it looks as if he was failed by others. This is just a horrible situation all the way around.
That caravan of migrants have arrived at the southern border and tried to cross illegaly so the American forces there had to stop them and fired tear gas the large groups of mostly men. Yes, there were some women there with children but it was not the fault of the Border Control, it is the fault of these women bringing their children into a very bad situation. Those people should not even be parents of any children. This is the same thing that terrorists do over in the middle east, they hide behind women and children. Here is an article about this, also about President Obama sprayed migrants but it was fine when he done it, shows how biased these idiots in the news are; https://www.foxnews.com/politics/obama-agents-pepper-sprayed-migrants-history-challenges-caravan-response-outrage
Well, that is it for me tonight. I hope all of you have a great night or day, take care!