A Little Better, Misconceptions, Good Stories, NASA Celebration, Flag Returner
Happy Tuesday everyone, I hope your day is going good! Well, I am mostly better, at probably 95 or so. Sometimes it takes me a little bit to get over something, mostly because I have such a compromised immune system from everything else I have been through. But I think I am on the mend and will be back at 100 in a day or two. I did get out today, thinking I was good enough for that. I went to the store to get a few things and on the way back I had parked close to the mail depot where I get my mail. When I parked in the spot I was at I did not notice the ice that was outside my door but I had gotten out alright, it was just when I tried to get back in that I had trouble. As I stood up and turned around I slipt and fell and then my wheelchair rolled about 100 feet away. I had to holler for help and luckily there was a man out smoking that helped me out. I had fallen on my bone of my left thigh and that feels like it is bruised but I will live, I'm pretty tough! I am thinking about doing something a little different, today only, I will only write or talk about positive news stories. The bad thing about the news is you turn it on and they are talking about horrible things, like people being shot or stabbed or some other bad story that does not leave you with a good feeling about humanity. I will do this once a week and may sprinkle in good stories here and there. But once a week, I will focus on only more positive stories.
History Day! My topic for my history blog this week is misconceptions throughout history and today on here I will write about one misconception that a lot of people believe but people like me that have read the whole Bible know the real date. Many people believe that Jesus was born on December 25th to coincide with the Christmas holiday. First off, there is no exact date to when Jesus was born, just remember that. Ok, I hope people do not get angry with me but I will keep this a little short but I will try to explain this as best I can in just a paragraph, even though there have been books written on this subject. So, in the Bible it states that Jesus was born when animals like Sheep are brought out to pasture, that would be when the weather starts getting warm again, so that would end up being around late March to late May. The year was a little easier to figure out, probably between 6 and 4 B.C.E. The reason why Christmas was put on December 25th was because of the pagan holidays at the time that celebrated things such as the winter solstice, which is on December 21st and Saturnalla, which was a holiday based around the figure head of Roman religion, Saturn. When a new religion comes in they take over the holidays of other religions so that way it is easier to convert over to the new religion. Oh course this is just a highlight of when Jesus was born, I would suggest you do your own research if you'd like more.
So something pretty cool happened today, it was not the first time we had landed something on Mars but anytime you can successfully land something on another world, it's a pretty big deal. When I seen the people at NASA celebrate this I noticed two people had an elaborate celebration and I am glad I can find it. Anyway, the thing that we landed on Mars is something that will drill down into the planet to study the seismic activity of Mars, something we do not know anything about and hopefully this will give us a good look at how the planet moves about. So here is an article about those two engineers celebrating, it's pretty cool and they must have practiced a lot for it; https://www.yahoo.com/sports/49ers-inspired-nasa-engineers-celebratory-mars-landing-handshake-210644390.html
Sometimes people can be good to each other and this next story proves it. A woman had her flag blown off the pole when the area in which she lives had high winds. It looks to have been a neighbor's nephew that returned the flag, which he had folded up properly and she was impressed with his knowledge of flag etiqutte, it was more than she knew and her father was a Navy service member. It was caught on her doorbell camera and she shared the video on Facebook. I think this was very heartfelt! Here is the article; https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/woman-praises-man-returned-american-flag-home-properly-folded-honored-know-flag-etiquette-215517428.html
Well, that is it for me tonight. I really hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!
History Day! My topic for my history blog this week is misconceptions throughout history and today on here I will write about one misconception that a lot of people believe but people like me that have read the whole Bible know the real date. Many people believe that Jesus was born on December 25th to coincide with the Christmas holiday. First off, there is no exact date to when Jesus was born, just remember that. Ok, I hope people do not get angry with me but I will keep this a little short but I will try to explain this as best I can in just a paragraph, even though there have been books written on this subject. So, in the Bible it states that Jesus was born when animals like Sheep are brought out to pasture, that would be when the weather starts getting warm again, so that would end up being around late March to late May. The year was a little easier to figure out, probably between 6 and 4 B.C.E. The reason why Christmas was put on December 25th was because of the pagan holidays at the time that celebrated things such as the winter solstice, which is on December 21st and Saturnalla, which was a holiday based around the figure head of Roman religion, Saturn. When a new religion comes in they take over the holidays of other religions so that way it is easier to convert over to the new religion. Oh course this is just a highlight of when Jesus was born, I would suggest you do your own research if you'd like more.
So something pretty cool happened today, it was not the first time we had landed something on Mars but anytime you can successfully land something on another world, it's a pretty big deal. When I seen the people at NASA celebrate this I noticed two people had an elaborate celebration and I am glad I can find it. Anyway, the thing that we landed on Mars is something that will drill down into the planet to study the seismic activity of Mars, something we do not know anything about and hopefully this will give us a good look at how the planet moves about. So here is an article about those two engineers celebrating, it's pretty cool and they must have practiced a lot for it; https://www.yahoo.com/sports/49ers-inspired-nasa-engineers-celebratory-mars-landing-handshake-210644390.html
Sometimes people can be good to each other and this next story proves it. A woman had her flag blown off the pole when the area in which she lives had high winds. It looks to have been a neighbor's nephew that returned the flag, which he had folded up properly and she was impressed with his knowledge of flag etiqutte, it was more than she knew and her father was a Navy service member. It was caught on her doorbell camera and she shared the video on Facebook. I think this was very heartfelt! Here is the article; https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/woman-praises-man-returned-american-flag-home-properly-folded-honored-know-flag-etiquette-215517428.html
Well, that is it for me tonight. I really hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!