Fine Day, Climate Change?, Oh No, Chinese Hackers
Hello everyone, I hope your Thursday is going as well as mine! I have had a good day, did not do anything special but it was good. Although it was pretty chilly here, think the high was like 65, yesterday the high was 95 and tomorrow it is supposed to be like 88, the weather is just as confused as we are, just enjoy what you can. Also, I am loving my new van, so many features on it and am loving the back up camera right now. Makes going in reverse so much better that before, almost like I cannot remember what it was like before. But enough about all that, let's get to the good stuff!
Climate change, global warming or what ever you would like to call it, is a rallying cry from the left and democrats. If you listen to them, the world will end soon and it's because we cannot stop driving gasoline powered vehicles. They say that we are releasing into the world the most CO2 ever, which is a bold face lie and that it is warmer than any other period in human history, which is kinda true just depending on what research you pay attention to. Now a lot of this research is over my head but I will add some good reading at the end so you can see what is all going on. Now thousands or even millions of years ago there was way more CO2 in the atmosphere than today and they didn't even have cars back then but somehow humans are destroying the planet. Also, there were times in the past that were warmer than what we are experiencing now but the environmentalists don't like to look at all the data, the left likes to cherry pick their talking points. It's something I hate having to explain to people about, don't they understand that the Earth, this rock we are all on, goes through cycles, much like everything else. Well anyway, here is that article;
I think this is funny, now they want to listen to me and common sense. The vice president, Mike Pence, came out today and talked about how China may have interfered with our elections and they would like a different president. It's no surprise to me that they hacked into our election servers, I have been saying that for awhile now. Or that they would like a different president, not because they just don't like the one we have but they want someone they can control. Not going to write too much more about this, I will let you read this article to make up your own mind;
Well, that is it for me tonight. I really hope that you all have a great day or night, take care!
Climate change, global warming or what ever you would like to call it, is a rallying cry from the left and democrats. If you listen to them, the world will end soon and it's because we cannot stop driving gasoline powered vehicles. They say that we are releasing into the world the most CO2 ever, which is a bold face lie and that it is warmer than any other period in human history, which is kinda true just depending on what research you pay attention to. Now a lot of this research is over my head but I will add some good reading at the end so you can see what is all going on. Now thousands or even millions of years ago there was way more CO2 in the atmosphere than today and they didn't even have cars back then but somehow humans are destroying the planet. Also, there were times in the past that were warmer than what we are experiencing now but the environmentalists don't like to look at all the data, the left likes to cherry pick their talking points. It's something I hate having to explain to people about, don't they understand that the Earth, this rock we are all on, goes through cycles, much like everything else. Well anyway, here is that article;
I think this is funny, now they want to listen to me and common sense. The vice president, Mike Pence, came out today and talked about how China may have interfered with our elections and they would like a different president. It's no surprise to me that they hacked into our election servers, I have been saying that for awhile now. Or that they would like a different president, not because they just don't like the one we have but they want someone they can control. Not going to write too much more about this, I will let you read this article to make up your own mind;
Well, that is it for me tonight. I really hope that you all have a great day or night, take care!
I don't see why we don't go back to pen and paper on voting?