Depressing Day, Where is the Real News Anymore?
Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a wonderful Friday! Well, I am writing this a little later than usual but wanted to get some thoughts out since I will not be working on this blog during the weekend. My day was good, except I was a little down today because it was so overcast and nasty out here. I guess the sun did pop out around 3 pm but I was already asleep by then, I actually got in a pretty decent nap. It was one of those naps you take and you cannot remember what day it is, what time it is and you don't want to do anything after waking up except maybe eat. It felt good, just wish I was awake for the sun coming out, that usually cheers me up some. Oh well, so let me get to this!
Big News! The fake bomb mailer was caught, he is a real person but those things he sent out were not real bombs at all. I could make something more convincing without even trying. Not that I would be that stupid. Of course the "news" media is out there saying that what President Trump has said has forced this man to act this way, I think someone even called him "Trumps accomplice" and that the president ordered these "bombs" to be sent out. Such stupidity in what used to be news programming, it has just turned into the hate President Trump show and it is really sad. There are many real news worthy events happening in this world or country all the time but those do not get covered unless they have something they can bash President Trump with. Real pathetic, I guess real journalism is dead in this country now. Not sure what the opinion poll is with the "news" media in this country but I am sure it is pretty low, people just do not trust those that are supposed to tell them the news. Plus it has gotten worse since they are putting these opinion people on all the time. You cannot just turn on the television anymore and just get the news without any snarky comments, a roll of the eyes or just horrible body language. Bring back real news please!
So that was really all I wanted to get into today, it really upsets me and is bad for future generations because they do not have a good place to turn that will give them all the news that his happening all around us. I hope there is a happy medium somewhere, just not sure if it has presented itself yet. Well, that is is for me tonight. I really do hope that all of you have a fantastic night or day, take care!
Big News! The fake bomb mailer was caught, he is a real person but those things he sent out were not real bombs at all. I could make something more convincing without even trying. Not that I would be that stupid. Of course the "news" media is out there saying that what President Trump has said has forced this man to act this way, I think someone even called him "Trumps accomplice" and that the president ordered these "bombs" to be sent out. Such stupidity in what used to be news programming, it has just turned into the hate President Trump show and it is really sad. There are many real news worthy events happening in this world or country all the time but those do not get covered unless they have something they can bash President Trump with. Real pathetic, I guess real journalism is dead in this country now. Not sure what the opinion poll is with the "news" media in this country but I am sure it is pretty low, people just do not trust those that are supposed to tell them the news. Plus it has gotten worse since they are putting these opinion people on all the time. You cannot just turn on the television anymore and just get the news without any snarky comments, a roll of the eyes or just horrible body language. Bring back real news please!
So that was really all I wanted to get into today, it really upsets me and is bad for future generations because they do not have a good place to turn that will give them all the news that his happening all around us. I hope there is a happy medium somewhere, just not sure if it has presented itself yet. Well, that is is for me tonight. I really do hope that all of you have a fantastic night or day, take care!